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Posts posted by Ohiofan

  1. OK folks. All day I have been trying to put to keyboard a few of my many complaints. I really believe in this thread! I do! I feel that we all need an outlet for our random gripes, and this space has meaning for me. For all of us!


    But today I just can't. I live across from Ashland University's practice field and for the first time since October I HEAR THE CRACK OF A BAT! It is such a lovely sound -it means SPRING. And my 11 year old daughter is right now in the kitchen making me a smoothie because she loves me. My husband will do anything I ask of him and someone on this board is a real SWEETHEART SOFTIE (you know who you are :wub:)


    So even thought my hockey team is going through a rough patch (I'm trying to be gentle here), and I have to go to the dentist for scaling and root planing tomorrow, AND my in-laws are still a$$holes, I am (dare I say?) complaint free. For the moment at least. :)

  2. Okay, everyone is gonna hate me but I just gotta say it.


    I want to complain about the fact that there is a FOOTBALL thread pinned at the top of a HOCKEY message board. It's like chalk on a blackboard everytime I see it. I know they're winning and I sure am happy about that but I come here for Sabres Hockey and I just hate seeing that thread.


    There. Throw me under the bus.

  3. 15 days before real hockey starts and my cable company doesn't know if they are getting/offering the center ice package.. :censored:

    I'm tellin ya...I went thru the same thing last season! Your cable company will string you along forever if they can! "We are waiting to reach an agreement with In Demand to carry Center Ice..."

    Well I waited a year and it ain't happening.


    I'm in a bad mood. How much space here do I have?

    My tooth hurts bad, and I'm not seeing a dentist till tomorrow morning. I have to work all weekend and the weather is supposed to be beautiful. I hate owning my own business. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. You NEVER have time off...it's always with you. And if you are short on payroll, yours is always the check that doesn't get printed.


    I miss my husband. The family business is suffering in this ecomomy like everything else so he took a second job that takes up most of his time. He works so much overtime at the new gig, then all the hours at our place, and we see each other very briefly anymore.


    My children are gifted intellectually. I am not bragging, or showing off. I don't believe it is because of something special I did, it is just our reality and sometimes it is hard to deal with. The fact of the matter is this: my children have special needs and they have every right to learn and develop to their fullest potential. They do not deserve to become the teachers aid in class because none of the work challenges them and the teacher does not have time to individualize their instruction.

    So finally the oldest one is in High School, and they do not hold her back, as long as she fights for it. She did have to go to an "inquisition" type meeting with dept. heads, principals, board members, psychologists, guidance counselors, and the like. She was asking to go directly into advanced biology...to skip 9th grade "general science". After some discussion, they let her but DUH!!! Two years ago she was nearly perfect on her ACT and last year nearly perfect on the SAT. And that was just practice.

    The younger one is part of a new, experimental self contained gifted class at her school. Other parents are up in arms because they percieve that these kids are taking money and space from their kids. People believe that because they are gifted, they will be fine...no need to teach them or offer them anything special. They're gifted! Well, does anyone realize that the drop out rate for gifted kids is one of the highest! So my little one is stuck in a glorified closet at her school with no windows because no one will give up any room for this new program. They have been told they can't have lockers like everyone else at school...too expensive! so their stuff is in milk crates in this closet they call a classroom. My daughter says "We don't get lockers like everyone else because we are not normal". If any of you have kids, then you know how this broke my heart. She should not be made to feel that she is not normal just because she is smart. That is part of the reason why so many bright minds fizzle out before they reach their fullest potential. Most kids just want to be treated like everyone else.


    Crap. I'm running out of gas on the ranting.

    The in-laws still suck.

  4. I feel your pain.

    Oh man could I tell stories.


    The most dysfunctional people on the planet. Work with the old man who steals from us and makes stupid decisions that we have to bail out of and is on his 5th wife. 1st wife (mom) is a dirty drunk with an oxygen tank stuck up her nose 'cuz those cigarettes will never hurt me! Sister in laws (2) are goin down the same path with the cigarettes but cant seem to figure out that those things can and do screw up your lungs! Oh yeah...did I mention the idiot kids they spawned who can't seem to contribute anything to society? And the brother in law is a sanctimonious jerk who is without a job 'cuz no one can stand to work with him. Except for me of course! I have to let the in-laws work for us because they are available, are cheap, and the a#$^$#!e father in law sez so.


    Husband got so sick of the whole bunch he got another job and left me to deal with the family business! You better believe they all think I am the biggest bitch since, well... since Hillary maybe.


    They mess with my husband but not with me.

    I'm watching them :ph34r:

  5. Okay I'm REALLY pissed off!!! My small town cable company has jerked me around long enough. Last season they stopped offering Center Ice with no explanation...every time I called they told me "call back in a couple of weeks, we are still negotiating with them". Then it was "call back mid-season, we should be good by then". Before I knew it, the season was almost over, the cable company never did answer my questions and I had listened to the season thru the laptop. Well yesterday I called the cable company and demanded to know if they were going to offer Center Ice. They gave me the same bullsh*t as last year..."we are negotiating..."



    Well I lost it and demanded to speak to someone who could give me a yes or no answer! After three people, the last one said that the NHL channel will be available and combined with Versus would carry all the games!!! Stupid idiots. No one knows anything about hockey at the cable company, I'm convinced they don't even know what Center Ice is.


    So now I have to unravel the home phone, internet, and cable, SWITCH to verizon and package phone, internet and Direct TV with them. WHAT A STINKIN' MESS. Nothing is ever easy. Ever.


    Oh yeah, the in-laws still suck.

  6. My ongoing complaint re: The In-Laws still stands. I could write a novel...but I won't clog up the space here. I'm sure no one really cares anyway. Almost everyone has an in-law issue, and we're all positive that ours are the worst. In all actuality, though, I could tell stories about these jamokes that you wouldn't believe.


    I do have another complaint today. I am really trying to love my new cell phone but it's not working. It's got a touch screen that sticks a lot. So I try to return it last night and they say "Try this new software update that is supposed to fix the problem!" So I wait 40 minutes for the update (a complaint in itself!) and while some buttons are a little better, most are not. So now I have to go back to Verizon, wait again, and try to get another phone. One with buttons.

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