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Posts posted by Ohiofan

  1. Interviewing roofing contractors today to find someone to replace the roof on my house. Loads of fun. Any recommendations?

    we need a new roof also, and have been dragging our feet...the two quotes we received (one local company, one local Amish) were both right at 7 grand. Who the heck wants to spend that kind of money???


    NOT ME!


    But we need it so I just hope we can move on this before the snow flies :cry:

  2. Could it be that he's overrated like Tim Connolly?

    Man, I don't think so. He is amazing, he really is. He can win a game all by himself, and he does it often. I just don't know why he can't get it together against Boston. I've never seen him play this bad.

  3. As usual, my complaint revolves around customer service.


    I walk into the bank yesterday and hand the teller a check with a deposit slip for the full amount of the check. Her question to me..."Are you cashing this check?" See that slip of paper I handed you? It is called a deposit slip. WTF! :doh:

    Did you know that if you "cash" your check and write the deposit in as cash instead of a check, it will credit to your account immediately (as long as the funds are available from the issuer of the check). When you deposit a check as a check, it can take up to three days to credit to your account.


    I always do that with my payroll checks. Most times, I NEED those funds to credit immediately.

  4. I will be all alone watching the game tonight until the kids come home from dance rehearsal at 9pm.


    My very best friend and hockey buddy, my man, my husband, is on afternoons. :cry:


    I'll be texting him updates though...hopefully a lot of them.




  5. Power steering fluid is leaking in my car. Mechanic gave me the old "I wouldn't put any money into it." At least they're honest. But if I could buy a new car right now, would I be bringing this clunker in for repair?


    Anyone have any luck with the power steering stop leak stuff? They said the cooler line and maybe a hose are cracked.


    The stop leak stuff will only help if its a seal in the pump. It won't really help if it's a hose thats cracked.

    I may be off base here...but can't you just put a new cooler line and hose on?

  6. Well I went to pick up my daughter from ballet at 9pm and I had to put it in 4wd. :death:


    Roads are crap and it's really coming down. I think all the plows/salt trucks have been put away. My hubby doesn't get out of job #2 until 11. He's got an hour drive and I already have a headache worrying...


    What a way to start spring break.

  7. So I'm transforming a room in my house into a playroom for my kids. I was putting some shelves together and accidentally knocked the lamp over in the middle of the floor and broke the bulb. It was a compact fluorescent bulb, which I find out after the fact has mercury in it, although it's a miniscule amount. My wife flips out because mercury can be very bad for kids and I ended up having to get the carpet replaced doubling the cost of changing the room. That doesn't even contemplate the cost of the fact that she went through the entire house and threw out all of our fluorescent light bulbs and replaced them with incandescents.

    OMG when we were kids my uncle had a vial of Mercury and we thought it was so cool to dump it in our hand and roll it around and watch it form and break apart into little balls and re-form into bigger balls. (balls of MERCURY folks...stand down).


    I should probably be dead right now?

  8. My daughter is in 10th grade and I have started just casually looking at college tuition. Niagara 35k and Canisius 40k per year! :sick:



    Thank god for SUNY.

    I'm right there with ya Blue. My eldest daughter is also a sophomore and she's been getting mail daily from colleges. It's time to start looking i guess. WOW. Tuition is crazy, for sure. Seems like most colleges financial aid packages are need based. If you make less than 60k, it's practically free. Less than 120k and it's greatly reduced. Over that, you're on your own LOL !

  9. We're all doomed anyway. In the next few years over half the world's population is going to be dead or missing. Ship's going down, let's enjoy the ride! Don't let the beast steal your soul.



    Tell me...where is over half the world population going? I'm not being sarcastic...I just want to know what you think.

  10. It's my birthday and none of you ###### had said Happy Birthday yet! ######! Oh, and the Sabres awful starts are quite annoying, too.

    Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY fellow Ohioan. I hope it's a good one, you certainly have the weather!


    And btw...my complaint? On MY birthday, which was on a Thursday, this thread never even got opened. The fact that it was New Years Eve may have had something to do with the lack of complaining...but still...

  11. I've got a pretty nice camera and I've spent a lot of time learning how to use it. I'm still learning...I'm good with it, not great yet. I invested in this camera because my two daughters perform on stage at least 20 times a year. I have different lenses, speedlights, battery packs and whatnot, because I want to capture this time in their lives for them and for me. In addition, one mom is the costume mistress and is always backstage so she misses all the shows. She is a friend of mine, and I always snap her daughter for her.


    My complaint is this: I just cannot believe the amount of people who come up to me and ask me to take pictures of their child. It is Nutcracker season, the girls are in rehearsals, and last night alone, three different moms/dads asked me to take photos of their child for them. On occasion, in the process of shooting my girls, other dancers get in the photo, and when I print, I will pass those photos out. But man...how can they expect me to focus on their kid when I have two up there myself! "I'll pay you"!! they say, as if that makes it allright, but I am not for hire. I don't want to be an a$$...I see these people all the time, but what the hell...now I'm all stressed out with a list of people I'm supposed to get pictures of :wallbash:


    On top of all that, first dress rehearsal is tonight, and I will miss the game. In addition to every game for the next two weeks until Nutcracker is done. :cry: :cry:

  12. My mouth feels like a week old ashtray full of stale beer. I've eaten two of those processed meat packet thingys, taco bell (nachos, pintos & cheese, double decker taco, & volcano taco), two large brad's cookie nook CC cookies, and a bag of Doritos and I can't shake the damn taste!

    Ink, man...for the love of God...eat a salad!!!

  13. Just got home from my kids Teacher -Parent conferance. My daughter, who is ultra competitive in everything she does, gets 5 A's or A-(no A+'s), a B+ and a B. I ask the teacher what I should tell her when she asks how she can get the Bs up to an A. The teacher responds that my daughter is already working really hard, not to stress her, she is performing prolly above her potential, and tell her she is doing just fine now.


    REALLY, WTF, I am going to tell my kid she has hit her potential and stop trying to get better? Thats a great life lesson to learn eh? I didn't say I was going to blast her for getting B's,I am proud as hell at how hard she works, and know she is doing the best she absolutely can. But SHE is the one who wants to make A's, should I tell she is not smart enough to get them???. WTF, still has me scratching my head...

    As the parent of two very high achieving kids...my sophomore in particular, here is her advice: EXTRA CREDIT. If your kid really wants to turn those B's to A's it can be done by taking advantage of every extra credit opportunity available to them. Some teachers give out extra points for some pretty lame stuff, some teachers are a little more judicious when handing out opportunities for extra credit, but most teachers do give these opportunities. My sophomore was able to up her gradepoint by a few points here and there and has maintained straight A's her whole life. Which brings me to my complaint:

    My kid is stressed out. She is gunning for valedictorian of her class and she is so busy with ballet and student council and latin club and academic team and driving lessons that she is staying up to at least midnight most nights getting her homework done. She gets up at 6am. She is determined and beautiful and goal-oriented and she is exhausted. I am worried about her but she wants IVY and she says she is gonna get IVY.

    I wish the college admission process didn't induce such stress. As any parent of a teenager knows, the four years of high school are a minefield of decisions that are made based on which college you want, and do you want it paid for? Everything they do leads to that final judgement. It is hard on them, and it is hard on me watching her. I am so lame...just making sure she is fed and her clothes are washed while she storms through her life doing too much. I just wish I could help her mellow out but I've tried. Her dad and I are kind of slackers (although we do own our own business and though it is a difficult one, it is also a blast :)

    I guess thats it. Just parental worry. Is there anything like it? I think not. And here's one more: My TWEEN is starting to act like a TEENAGER. Hmmmmmmm.....good times

  14. I'm tired. So tired. And I've got a huge, high stress, long weekend of work ahead of me starting tomorrow when I wake up.

    I had Mexican for dinner and I'm scared it's going to come back to haunt me tonight.

    It's 11:30 and my sophomore is still doing her homework.

    I hate the fact that the only option for me for tonight's game was the Phoenix feed, but hey...at least I got to watch the game, right?

    My house is a mess, my cat is sick, and my dog needs a bath.

    Oh....and my in-laws are :death: still a$$holes

  15. in a similar vein, when did the requirements for handicapped tags become: fat, black and owns a Cadillac. I've never seen so many non-handicapped people with handicap tags. Are they just giving them away? Can I get one because I've got a laziness condition too?

    My father-in-law is fat, white, and owns a Cadillac. He has had two knees replaced and is walking fine now. He's keeping the tag.

    Did I mention that he's also an a$$hole?

  16. I saw this all the time with a health insurance company of mine. I think companies are doing this all the time, making gobs of money this way. Someone pointed out how Americans are too lazy to complain....it's ringing true more & more these days, especially as the economy is what it is now.

    But have you ever tried to complain? I don't think it's laziness as much as just genuine frustration. More often than not this happens:


    1. When you call, odds are that you are calling a call center in Timbuktu and good luck if you can understand them.


    2. It is increasingly difficult to get a hold of someone who can actually solve your problem. I can think of numerous times that I have sat on the phone forever trying to find the right person to address my issue.


    There are so many examples! How about calling a cable company to inquire about the Center Ice Package? "The What"??? Or the dish company years ago that promised we could get hockey and so we made the switch and no hockey. Or how about when you get laid off and want COBRA continuation of coverage and they dont even mail the sh*t for six weeks and then LO! the President has reduced COBRA rates by 70 percent but by golly just try to find ANYONE on the phone who knows anything about it!

    Have you ever called Verizon to complain that your bill is not right? Or how about actually calling an insurance company with questions or GOD FORBID the billing office at a hospital to find out what the hell those charges are!!!???


    I could go on and on. Horror stories! No wonder we don't complain, it takes a full time commitment to do so. I'm sure each one of you have spent hours if not days on the phone trying to resolve something. It sucks. It's just a giant void of knowledge out there.

  17. This one set me off. I go into a Dunkin Donuts and order a value set, you know, the number #3 or something, thinking - hey that's not a bad deal. It's $3.19 on the menu but then I'm charged $3.57 .....I tell the cashier that that doesn't sound right. He says that I'm not adding in the tax, Tax is 8% so even if it 9% He's overcharged me. I wanted the price on the menu.


    The guy looks at me and tells me that the menu is wrong and not the computer, and thereby decides it is more important to make me feel like an a#$^$#!e for complaining about 10 cents than giving me the advertised price.


    I don't really give a crap about the .10, I want to feel as if I'm getting a fair deal.

    Now I wonder if everyone who orders off the menu isn't getting screwed by .10.

    Anyway...that's all I got. Just a slow burn.....

    On the flip side of that...yesterday I stopped at Dairy Queen and ordered a medium Tagalong Blizzard and expected to pay $3.39, the advertised price. The girl said "that'll be $2.89" and I said "Hey...whats up with that"? Turns out it is the Blizzard of the Month and on sale.


    My complaint #1: The Blizzard, alas, was not for me. My daughter ate it while I sat empty handed cursing the fact that I am on the proverbial diet. Sigh.


    My complaint #2: My other daughter is away at "nerd camp" (her words, not mine) and I miss her terribly. In three years she'll be heading off to college somewhere and thinking about that and missing her now is making me all misty in a motherly sort of way. Sigh again. :cry:

  18. Major complaint:


    Cleaning up other people's messes. Both figuratively and literally.


    Here's just one example: I am the new treasurer of an organization at my daughter's school. Last night I got the "stuff" from the old treasurer. He handed me a box, with bank statements, stubs, folders and other miscellaneous paper all wadded up inside. Oh...and there were some checks that needed to be deposited last week that he found in the bottom. Said I had better take care of that soon. Sheesh...

  19. I got absolutely nothing done today. I ate chocolate and surfed the internet and for this I will pay dearly. I really have so much to do that it is hard to get started, therefore I can't start. It is a vicious cycle that is hard to break.


    I feel like crap about it.

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