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Pre-game warmup track list.

Canadian Sabre

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Hey everybody!


Great game last night. It was very intense, I haven't heard the HSBC that loud in a while, perhaps even ever. I just have a general question though about the music that is played in the arena. Would anybody happen to have a track list of our pre-game warmup? There are two songs I really like, and don't know the name of either of them. I know the first two last night were Public Service Announcement by Jay-Z followed by Empire State of Mind(once again by Jay-Z). After those two were played, two(it could have been three, but two in particular) songs were played that I really liked. I've heard them before this season, just don't know the names of them! So if anybody was at the game last night, or might have an idea where to get the track listing, your help would be much appreciated! :)


If this helps at all, one of the songs has "you have always been my saviour" in the chorus, but when I Google it, nothing comes up.

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