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[Sabre Rattling]Small Changes Coming to SR


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Hey all, I wanted to update y’all on some things that are happening around here. There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes that have resulted in the text box to the left of this paragraph. This blog has become a rather successful venture, and while it was never my intention originally to be anything more than a place to vent my spleen it’s becoming more than that. After nearly two years of doing this though it’s obvious to me that this space has value and that’s something I’d like to take advantage of.



One of the interesting ironies about me is that while I’m one of the biggest supporters of an un-regulated-by-government free market (which does not preclude for-profit regulatory agencies btw), I’m not much of an entrepreneur. But, I think at 39 years old it’s time to strike a balance between my artistic and capitalistic tendencies. I’ve been approached on multiple occasions about selling ad space here and always rebuffed them either because of my lack of interest in their products or my own desire to keep my life (as complicated as it is) as simple as possible, especially when it comes to the IRS.



The use of ads here will be done in such a way as to maximize their effect while minimizing their annoyance factor. It’s not an easy juggle from what I’ve been able to gather. In no way will I use ad-types that I personally find repugnant, and I’m an old-school kinda internet guy, remembering the days when Yahoo went on line and thought “Why would anyone use this when Archie and Gopher exist? So, no in-line text ads, overlays, interstitials, etc. until such time as they are more seemless and respectful of the user. Consider me not a fan.The layout will change a bit through time and my sponsor at the Sabresreport and I will be putting our heads together to update the look and layout as well. I did some looking around at this site and found some simple missed opportunities due to my discomfort with self-promotion and those, you’ll note, are the first things that got changed. Basically, I’m saying that this blog has suffered from a bit too much auto-pilot and not enough attention to detail… and spring cleaning is in order.



Those who know me well know I’m uncomfortable with profiting monetarily from my friends and family. Old habits die hard, so hence this note to assuage my conscience over this decision and to inform those who’ve made this blog such a great experience for me (and hopefully, for you as well) to produce, hopefully for a long time to come. That’s truly what this is about in the end. I know that this blog will eventually go the way of the dodo if I don’t do something to pay myself for the time and the effort. And, having been told by more than a few of you that we’re not allowed to go anywhere, well, I think a few text ads, strategically placed, is a fair compromise.










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