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[Sabre Rattling]Best Fan Experience Evahr!


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Sabres #1 with Fans according to ESPN Poll



No matter what happens, every time I see a reference to ESPN, the Shwagazine, all I can think of is that great commerical with the really hot (brunette, no less, for irony I guess) cheerleader talking about how she just loves “ESPeN, the magazine.” Say what you will about the sports behemoth, their advertising consultants are top notch. The Wife still walks around the house saying “Charlie come on out and get yer whoopin’ ” whenever the dog does something stupid.



It seems the latest issue of that magazine has an article ranking the Buffalo Sabres #1 in ROI for the fan. The article linked above goes into the details which reads like a laundry list of tips on how to run a successful business. Funny, that Golisano guy really does know how to serve his customers seeing as he’s only a self-made billionaire.



For this writer’s perspective his vision and guidance and Larry Quinn’s implementation have produced that positive ripple effect felt all the way down here in South Florida. There’s no way this blog would have been successful enough early on to hold my interest had the Sabres not turned things around so quickly coming out of the lockout. The number of new fans and spillover good will towards this franchise has been a treat to watch unfold.



This organization really has gone over and above the norm in attempting to provide the right resources for the fans to effect an emotional bond with the team and the team to the fans. One only has to think back to the standing ovation they received after their first loss of this season to understand that something truly great had taken place. As an outside observer, I can only imagine what things are like right now in western New York. Part of me truly wishes I could see it first hand.



The sins of the past have a hard time being forgiven and there are still some who are distrustful of Larry Quinn and Darcy Regier, in particular. There are whispers in every corner about what should or should not have been done at the deadline, last summer, etc. But, we all know that those ghosts can only be exorcised by bringing the Cup back there. And, I know the players feel the pressure; Lindy Ruff certainly does.



After last year’s playoff run ended Mr. Golisano wrote a letter thanking the fans and promising even more. For me, I’m thankful I still have a team to root for and a franchise to be proud of as opposed to the opposite. On the eve of the Stanley Cup playoffs an article like this should serve as a reminder to take a moment and reflect as to where things were and where they are. Win or lose this spring, as long as the promises made were fulfilled (i.e. this edition of the team leaves it all on the ice), I will have no complaints.










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