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the devils get crushed!

dusty west

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the new jersey devils get crushed today by the barely surviving the playoff race carolina hurricanes.(and horribly hated stanley cup champs-who the sabes may have lost to in the playoffs last year but do a hold a nice series sweep this year)


that got me thinking. the sabes really never seem to get blown out to often. in fact they have not yet been shut out this year.(knock on wood)

several reasons go into play on this. the biggest is obviously depth.

i went on to check a few stats.



the sabes have been blown out at least once. that was obvioussly the minnesota loss by four goals(march 9th) easily when the sabes may have played there worst hockey of the season. the sabes have lost 5 other games this season by three.

tor-nov 4th

ott-nov 18th

wash-dec 2nd

mont-dec 19

ott-jan 3rd


the devils have been beaten by three goals five times this year also. but, they have had one seven goal loss agains ottawa early this season(oct21) and todays five goaler to the canes.


on the winning side. the sabes have won by three goals this year 12 times. and have one by more six times. including the famous 8 goal win over philly during the record ten game win streak to start the season.

the devils on the other hand have only won by three this year a weak 6 times. and by more an extremely weak 3 times.


the devils have also been shut out twice this year.


yes even with broddie an unstoppable wall at times the devils just dont have the fire power for blow outs and can easily be seen playing for the one goal win by the second period sometimes.


why no fire power? wheres the depth.

the sabes have got it.


of the top 50 goal scorers the sabes hold 4 names(drury, vanek,pville,and briere)

the devils hold one(rookie zach parise-yes a rookie leads the team in goals-wow)


of the top 50 assists leaders the sabes hold two names(briere and oh yes campbell)

the devils one with elias.


of the top 50 pts scorers in the nhl. buffalo boasts three with(briere-8th,vanek,drury)

jersey,once again one with elias


but, how bout this balanced team with the leagues number one offense.

the dominance in this dept, can be seen in the the top plus+/minus- stats.


of the top 50 players in the plus minus stat.

buffalo leads the nhl with 8(vanek+36-leades all forwards-roy, cambell,pville,spacek,briere,max,hecht)


many feel that new jerseys strengths are with the special teams. and it is with jersey taking the least penalties in the league.


but there powerplay is scoring only at a 17.4% rate, the exact amount buffalo has scored at.

and the pk!

85.3% for the devils. good enough for 4th in the league. wonderful!

but is that really enough to beat a balanced team like the sabes who arent the worst with a 81.5% killing rate.(hahaha killing rate)

who also are the best five on five team in the league.


finally, its true. broddie may be the best goalie of all time. and devils may be able to win with just him. who may be having his best season yet.


where does miller get his edge.?


ive been watching miller for quite some time. amerks season ticket holder for 4 years now. and i always saw that miller almost never is not square with his shooter and never moves, and he may the best one on one goalie in the league.

the sabes give up break aways all the time. but we have millsie.!


some proof is in the shootout stats.


with miller having a good edge

miller is 37/46 with a 80.4 save percentage.

broddie a mere 34/51 and a low 66.7 save percentage.




final proof that the sabes are better and much more exciting than the devils.


attendance. with the sabes having sold 100% of its tickets this year. and rank 8th overall in the nhl.

the devils, awful. with only 73.5% of there ticks being sold. ranking them 26th in home attendance.

who wants to watch hockey when you can see goals.


oh and, the sabes arent dirty. the devils are. (see cam jansen)


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