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Posts posted by SabresFanInRochester

  1. I'm not a Lehner fan by any means, but it makes me laugh when people bring this up. The dude has only been in one shootout this season and has faced 2 shooters. One stop, one goal.


    As for breakways, yeah we all remember all the goals because those sting. But, is there a statistic that keeps tracks of goals and saves on breakaways? I tried looking around just to see how bad he is and where he ranks. I have center ice package and i watch a lot of hockey, and it seems many goalies allow breakaways often. I just wonder where he ranks in the league?

    Pretty sure that "one stop" was the shooter missing the net.

  2. I think Nylander needs time. I agree with some of the earlier posts who say they are just going to let Nylander develop and not expect him to contribute.


    I think managing expectations is a deficiency amongst Sabres fans. We want instant results; granted it has been lean for the past many years. But it's a new coach/GM and I am trying to be patient. From my perspective, I see a team that is playing better than the start of the year. I take that as they are learning how to compete and I see greater confidence in some players. I would expect the next stage in the development to be learning how to finish games.


    I just noticed the Montreal starting line is centered by Paul Byron. I don't have the time, but how many people chased him out of here when he was 20 years old because he didn't show the signs of a superstar? And not that Byron is the second-coming of Gretzky, but we are so quick to kick a kid to the curb.

  3. I live in that neighborhood and I'm near RMH all the time.  Those families appreciate them, believe me.



    All of this.  I was discussing the Bob Woods point with a friend on Sunday.


    Oh, and start saving your pennies.  You have a debt coming due in 80 days.

    A LOT can happen in 2+ months.

  4. I want the team to perform better than they are.  The defense is just not good enough and that's the biggest problem right now.


    As for everything else...


    I've watched people on here pine for Todd McLellan, lament losing out on McDavid, talk about how playing Kings hockey was stupid, and more.


    Right now McLellan is in charge of a team that is below us in the standings and by accounts of people on here should be far above the Sabres.

    Right now the Kings, with almost the same roster as last year, are at the top of the league (they only changed a coach and GM)

    Right now Jack Eichel has 3 less points than Matthews and 1 more than McDavid and Crosby, the saviours of Canada hockey.


    It's a highly frustrated fan base that just wants something to change even if it's not necessarily an improvement.  I'm reading comparison to football teams shedding players without accounting for what is guaranteed money in the NFL and the NHL and how they are different.


    There are comments on how all but 2-3 players on this team need to go.  A move which would certainly bring about another 10 years of mediocre or worse hockey.


    I think there is quite a bit of player evaluation going on right now.  It's not just about how a player is on the ice but whether or not that player is going to listen to the coaching staff and work to improve their game.  I can hypothesize on reasons why certain players are on the ice but most don't want to hear any potential reason other than what they want to believe.


    So, for me, I'm just backing off all of it.  I'll watch the games and chime in here or there but it's tiring battling on here when people have gotten to the point where they want to question the validity of the entire franchise's history.

    Most level-headed post I have read. It is frustrating to see a loss, and a blowout is depressing. But you have to remain realistic about the early part of this season.


    I don't think Housley has incorporated what he wants to do. I think in the preseason, we saw full rushes and speed, and we would drastically outshoot the other teams -- even in the home opener against Montreal. And then the games started to count, and Housley, IMO, had to pull back on the reins. With confidence from more games under their belt as a team, these guys will improve.


    To call Okposo a **** burger is out-of-line.


    There was a lot of jostling of the roster, and now that the defense was improved on paper from last season, they are banged up. Scandella was eased into the defense and I think he is a nice addition. I still think Bogosian will have a positive impact on the 2nd line. The defense will gel, but needs time.


    People were ripping O'Reilly after 3-4 games, but he has come on strong. The team will come together.


    I am hoping it is similar culture to the Bills were a bunch of misfits develop a strong, cohesive team. It was encouraging to read the other day that O'Reilly, Jack and Sam were on the ice after practice. That's the culture that I want here -- where is the rest of the team? 

  5. It's the power play for me.  Also I generally agree with you; I'm not ready to jump off a bridge (or to throw Housley off of one).

    Bob Woods was a major loss -- at one point last week, Buffalo was the #18 PP, and Minnesota was #1, exact opposite of last year. (Bob Woods is an assistant coach in Minnesota now.) In addition to the PP not firing on all cylinders, it's all the shorties that they've given up that upset me the most.

  6. Eli Manning will be in the HoF, easily. And it's solely because his rings, and that he played in NY


    TBF I never criticized Flutie and Kelly for winning. 


    Winners win. Jack is not a winner yet. Nolan is. I didn't say I have anything against Jack's attitude, or like Nolan's more. Nor did I say Nolan should get the C. But he's won, so he's a winner. 


    I mean you're right, I get the winner mentality and all that. But what's the point of that mentality if you don't, you know, actually win? Unless you have an out of your mind performance on the big stage and just get shafted. But ask anyone, Kelly is a loser, Marino is a loser, and Eli is a winner

    I don't hate him, but personally I don't care about class or grit or anything like that in sports. Give me a player that 'wows' me. Give me a guy that is unique, has fun, and treats the game like a game. That might just be me though


    Anyone -- chime in on this:


    Is Jim Kelly a loser?

    Is Dan Marino a loser?

    Is Eli (Manning) a winner?

  7. What?


    Eli Manning will get into the HoF, and the very first thing people will point to is his rings. I have no idea what you're saying. I said there are more 'losers' in the HoF because there are more 'losers' in general. But if you win just a little bit, it makes your case for the HoF way stronger

    Flacco won a Super Bowl ring but will not sniff the HOF. And Eli Manning will not be in the HOF -- No way.


    But coming back to the original argument, I said I wanted someone who has that x-factor... that winning attitude. And you criticized Flutie and Kelly for never winning on the big stage. I would take those two and their winning attitude over Doug Williams and Joe Flacco any and every day.


    I cannot speak for you, but surely it would be a mistake to think you need a Cup ring to be a winner. Wouldn't you like to have Jack's attitude leading this Sabres team? Or, if you want the only "winner" on the Sabres right now, we can stitch the "C" on Jordan Nolan's jersey. When I say I want the guy who is the winner, I want the guy with the attitude that will lead. Not just the guy who is the winner by the literal use of the word. 


    I don't mean to be argumentative, because you are right when you take "winner" literally. But winners don't always win, and there is usually no consideration provided to why someone wins and someone loses -- just the final results. What I am referring to is the x-factor, and I guess that doesn't always translate to having a championship.

  8. I mean that makes sense though. There are more losers than winners in the total group, so to have more losers than winners in the HoF is natural; the HoF shouldn't judge based on your winning, but of course it does. You can put up meh numbers but winning championships and get in, but if you put up meh numbers and don't, no cigar

    Really? Joe Flacco is a winner and will be in the HOF? And Dan Marino didn't deserve to get in, and is a loser compared to Flacco. You really take that "winner" title quite literally. 

  9. Well I blame Marv Levy for that

    But Manning did win. Until Elway won a SB, he was a loser. But he want to 30 of them and at least won 2, so he's a winner

    Not that the NFL HOF is only for winners, but there are many more losers enshrined than winners -- so much for recognizing the elite of the group.

  10. I don't know, man. Kelly had hall of famers on both sides of that team and they still didn't win. Sure, Jimbo and Flutie had fire and were leaders but they didn't win. So they can't be winners. Drury won. So did Messier.

    You're right. That's one thing that sucks is that there is only one winner. When Brady beats Manning, does that mean Manning is a loser? The runner-up trophy is a participation medal, right, and I think as stated by Seinfeld, "Congratulations, you are the first loser."


    Maybe Kelly and Flutie didn't have enough of that x-factor and that's why their teams didn't win. But, anecdotally, they represent what I want on my team.

  11. Do USFL championships and grey cups count as winning?

    You have to have accompanying pieces. Arguably, that team was better with Flutie at the helm, but didn't seem to play the same when Johnson was under center.


    I will make my point with Ottawa and Erik Karlsson. I think that team sucks when he is out of the lineup.


    Having one person make a measurable impact when there are 10 other people on the field with you is more difficult than when there are only 4 others.


    My point -- there's an x-factor, and I want that winner leading my team.

  12. I noticed a lot of fishing posts have been to the West of me -- I am in the Rochester, NY area -- but I did see some mention of fishing on Lake Ontario. I thought I would share a story and ask a question...


    I bought a property that had a pond on it about 7 years ago -- the pond is about 200' x 85'. The owner told me it was a spring-fed pond and really touted its beauty. At that time, the dock was beginning to fall apart, and I had intentions of fixing the dock and stocking the pond.


    Before I did anything, a friend of mine went fishing at the pond and told me it sucked -- no fish, and the water wasn't even 1' deep. I was crushed. I lost all interest in doing anything with my pond that had evolved into a swamp.


    Fast forward to this past summer -- a friend said his family was "out" in our pond. I asked if they were wading or what they were doing and he thought I was crazy. He said swimming... flips off the dock... they couldn't even touch in the middle and estimated the pond to be at least 10' or 12' deep! Unfortunately, the dock is now a skeleton, but I am inspired to change that. My family is into hiking/camping/fishing, so I am going to build a lean-to overlooking the pond with pines from the property. I have a full coverage of watermeal, as the water is pretty stagnant so I need to get an aerator.


    I am now motivated to stock the pond; or maybe not. We invited a family back to fish last weekend and the first cast brought in a 12" largemouth bass. Nothing to hang on the wall, but how exciting to think one struck that quickly. The rest of that day was okay. I just went out again with my son last night -- 5 worms and 5 sunfish. It was basically cast and real it in. (We didn't have the right gear to cast away from the shore and I think if we can get into the middle and deeper, we might encounter the bass.


    This is a long post, but I would love to hear from some of my Rochester fisherman: Where can I take my kids to fish without needing a boat. I would love for them to have a great experience with trout and salmon. This might not be the season, but I would love to put it on the calendar and have them do the same. I am VERY novice, and love our pond, but I know my son is looking for the big fish. Thanks for reading!

  13. Sunrise this morning on Chautauqua Lake. Lots of panfish this morning, but mostly small. Was out before sunrise with a heavy fog on the lake. Watched the sun come up and the fog lift.


    This is my paradise. If heaven isn't exaclty like this I don't care to go.

    That's quite beautiful!


    I have been getting my out-of-shape ass out of bed early the past few weeks and walking some trails behind my house. I witness the sunrise most of the time, and those mornings really help me get the day going the right way. In awe of such beauty! I don't have the benefit of Chautauqua Lake, but some of the foggy mornings, and conditions have been spectacular.

  14. I want a winner with that x-factor mentality. Give me Drury. Put Doug Flutie or Jim Kelly on ice skates -- they don't care about excuses; they just hate losing and will do anything they can to win in the clutch. I want the consummate professional who has skill, but has a deeper drive to win than anyone else. 

  15. Solid pickup. We'll see if this lights a fire under the butts of any of the younger players on the cusp of making the team.



    He pretty much had to do it, nylander, fashing, baptitste, bailey will all be send back to rochester.

    I think this is right -- I did note above that Nolan has a strong work ethic, 2 Stanley Cup rings, and will toughen up the roster.


    But I think one of the most important is that none of the kids really jumped up and took the roster spot. I hate the idea of handing the roster spot to a player that didn't earn it but outplayed the other guys that didn't earn it. None of the kids really jumped up and took it. So give it to a vet (grinder) who will add value to the team and will make someone come and take it from him.

  16. https://www.jewelsfromthecrown.com/2017/9/26/16371214/jordan-nolan-waivers-jeff-zatkoff-los-angeles-kings-waived-training-camp-news

    [Excerpt from the Kings unofficial fan page]

    However, it was somewhat surprising to learn that management had decided to waive Nolan because he was the gritty type of player that both Dean Lombardi and Darryl Sutter loved. He was a good soldier who put in his work, never complained, and did what was expected of him. Unfortunately for Nolan, the demand for an enforcer type with limited offensive ability has all but disappeared from the NHL, especially as teams continue to get younger, faster, and more skilled. Also, there’s no more Lombardi, and no more Sutter.

    Some may be wondering: why Nolan over Kyle Clifford or Andy Andreoff? That, I don’t have an answer for but management clearly feels that both are a touch better than Nolan is. They’re all fairly interchangeable, but both Clifford and Andreoff are slightly better offensively (and both are two years younger). This improves both of their odds of cracking the Opening Night lineup, and it’s also good news for the Kings’ younger forwards as they attempt to make the roster.

    The Kings drafted Nolan in the seventh round of the 2009 NHL Draft, with the 186th overall pick. Since being called up to the NHL in 2012, he’s tallied a total of 20 goals and 22 assists. Oh, and he also won the Stanley Cup twice with LA and had some amazing photos taken with Lord Stanley’s trophy.

  17. All fair points. 


    Again: How do you know that the current digital content editor was a friend of a friend? 


    Fwiw, that's how a lot of hiring occurs everywhere. People often want to hire people that come endorsed and recommended as solid people, etc.  



    I have seen some of those from time to time, and agree. Hall is quite lovely (and I mean more than "pretty" -- she has a warm and engaging manner about her) and does a good job. 


    Where do those get posted? Twitter? I need to look out for them.


    Here are the three I referenced:


    Corny Father's Day jokes - Reggie Ragland is the best throughout!









  18. We have Twitter-envy? I wouldn't mind a comedian writing lines for our Twitter feed. It would be entertaining; until something inappropriate is sent out. The forum isn't that of the Late Show; it's a professional sports team so I am not crushed that the feed is pretty vanilla. I don't mind what Vegas is doing but at some point, they'll cross the line and create controversy. Just like you don't see the Twitter feed of many Fortune 500 companies with aggressive posts. (I want to say 'any', but I am sure there's an exception or two.) Hell, our President sends blunt tweets and everyone is outraged.


    I will give major props to the production crew and Lauren Hall for their segments that interview the players. They did a couple with the Bills that stand out: One was corny Father's Day jokes, and another was asking players about their Madden ratings. For the Sabres, last week's "which Sabres player had the best summer vacation" was pretty good. I like what they're doing with that.

  19. You can say that in theory, but it doesn't always work that way. Girgensen's best season was when he was a center. he showed promise in that role, then Bylsma ruined him. I'm fine with Reinhart as 3rd line center, I don't think he will be fine with that assignment. He will be disgruntled and see it as a demotion. If not, fine, but I don't see him as a top line winger. 

    Do you think Nick Bonino felt like playing the 3rd line center was a demotion? Yes, he left for greener pastures, but do you think he'll see more success playing as a top line winger now versus what he did when he had the doughboy on his 3rd line in Pittsburgh?


    Do you remember when Roy and Vanek were 3rd line players? Not a bad assignment. When the depth is there, there is nothing wrong with the 3rd line assignment. (I am not saying we have the depth, but there are two solid centers ahead of Sam -- he knows where he is on the center depth chart.

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