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Jävə Keith

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Posts posted by Jävə Keith

  1. On 5/18/2024 at 1:07 PM, Weave said:

    First time out on the kayak for the season.

    Was targeting walleyes primarily, but end up with a very mixed bag.

    On the water at legal daylight. barey got the 2nd rod set when the first rod fired.  Had regular action for about 90 minutes or so and then the bite just died.

    All told I took home 2 walleyes and a 10” perch, but also caught half a dozen smallmouth bass and 4 channel cats.  For a short time it Seemed like everything wanted to take a swipe at the crankbaits I was towing.

    I think I paddled about 4 miles today.  That’s plenty for my first outing of the season.  I’m good and tired.

    And hopefully back at it again tomorrow AM.

    Where did you fish? I finally got started on my kayak fishing journey on Chautauqua. No real success yet. Tons I need to learn, but it feels good to get out and cast.

  2. WGR is debating who could be the favorite on next coach.  Lindy keeps coming up.

    I love the idea of Brind'Amour, but Lindy not out of the question - firey but has proven he can develop young guys in his reboot in NJ.

    He loves Buffalo and would be a fan favorite out of the gate, perhaps Lindy is a credible bridge to the long term coach.

    I understand the "no way to Lindy" crowd, but it legitimately could make some sense and could work.

    I'm sure I'm wrong and often am.  But I know I don't know and never say never.

    Go Sabres!

    Forever fan even through the valley of despair.





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