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Posts posted by Chair

  1. And why didn't they sign Hopkins? Oh, that's right, because Diggs is a DIVA RECEIVER. WIN? No way man, I NEED THE BALL. You better hang up the phone on Hopkins or I'm going to embarass Allen on the sideline 

    Hopkins > Diggs EASILY 

    Diggs SUCKS 


  2. Awful. This team time and time again fails Josh Allen. If I were him, I'd request a trade out of black cloud Buffalo immediately. 

    Says a lot when your supposed "greatest fans" are drunk losers who jump through tables 

    The team sucks, not Allen. Can Diggs too cant even catch ANY ball anymore. Bum. No. 1 receiver LOOOOL  

  3. Yeah, let's give another long term contract for big bucks to a guy who will stink next year just like Power, Thompson and Cozens. Put MaGlassias Samuelsson in that category too 

    History should mean something 

    Casey Mittlestadt sucks 

    This team is a bunch of flimsy cowards with no grit 

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