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Status Updates posted by pkwwjd

  1. #25, one week to go!

  2. KMac goes #3!!!!!!

  3. I'm not sure what they're doing, but there's a lot of laughing going on ...

  4. Home ... over 4500 miles! Unforgettable experience! Great time with my absolute favorites!

  5. So...another tee in the radiator system fractured... good thing I watched the mechanic fix the other one yesterday & and we had a friendly farm supply store that we were parked at that provided a new tee & 2 gallons of antifreeze at no cost! 45 minute delay ... and back on the road.

  6. Truck up and running and we are sprinting toward nebraska

  7. And ...into our 9th state

  8. Just in case anyone else wants to know ... Bear Butte State Park in South Dakota has an awesome name, but no gift shop.

  9. I blame Tyler Selden for us enjoying this place so much

  10. 34.725 is HR Selden's highest meet score by over a point!

  11. First up ... Floor Exercise ... 8.400! Highest HR Selden has gotten at level 6!

  12. It took just over an hour and a half to drain our basement of the water, now the dehumidifier has to dry the basement out

  13. Winter storm Rocky has knocked out our sump pump ... there's nothing in this world like wading through electrified water to replace a pump!

  14. More pictures of Henry ... he has more than doubled in weight since we got him 2 1/2 weeks ago.

  15. So, every time I log in to Facebook, it suggests a gift for my wife ... if I'm buying something on Facebook on Valentine's Day to be delivered in the following days, I'm probably in a lot of trouble already.

  16. All tuckered out!

  17. Meet our new St Berdoodle, Henry ... But you can call him Indy because 'we named the dog Indiana'

  18. Best part about having DVR? Fast forwarding through the power outage on a night when you actually want to see the commercials!

  19. Any day the Sabres play with Ellis, Scott & McCormick in the lineup can't be a good day ...

  20. We named the dog Indiana ...

  21. This is NOT a politically motivated post ... I get that Mrs. Obama is an attractive lady who has a lot of self confidence ... But just because she wears a dress doesn't mean that it is something worth reporting or that she is setting some sort of fashion trend. She is simply wearing a nice dress ... Nothing that isn't expected or unusual. It's like Princess Diana all over again.

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