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Richard Noggin

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Posts posted by Richard Noggin

  1. 2 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    I absolutely did. Total wins is NEVER an appropriate or valuable statistic to use. I already mentioned why. It's what we call a "vanity metric". Winning percentage is infinitely more valuable and applying winning percentage over X games gives you an apples to apples comparison against peer groups.

    But you don't get the OPPORTUNITY to do a thing for that long unless you do it fairly well. That is just obvious. 

    • Agree 1
  2. On 3/22/2024 at 3:56 PM, PerreaultForever said:

    Nobody's ready imo and I wouldn't be surprised if Benson steps backwards and has a rocky up and down road for a years much like Mitts had. Probably doesn't take quite a s long as Mitts did, but the discussion next year might be should he go to Rochester. 

    Johnson would be the only maybe unless you add Levi who is also a maybe but not really ready either. Sabres will probably use him as UPL's back up though. 

    The additions to the current line up will be Quinn and Samuelsson. 

    Benson has shown the resilience, tenacity, and instincts to overcome his physical shortcomings (and the beating he's taken all year) enough to belong on the Sabres NHL roster. He goes to the front of the net more than his well-paid teammates.

    On 3/23/2024 at 4:10 PM, kas23 said:

    I’m a big Benson fan and still think he’s a prospect, despite playing in the NHL. He’s only 18 and has shown flashes of brilliance this year. Compared to anyone else, he’s going to be the prospect that takes the next big step. Dude has to put in a great offseason though. Needs to get bigger and stronger. 

    Definitely needs to work hard in the weight room and the cafeteria, but he's already flashed more toughness and compete than many of the Sabres' other diminutive prospects. 

    On 3/23/2024 at 4:20 PM, Buffalonill said:

    I believe he will go bonkers next year and look totally different 

    Possible, seeing as he still hasn't backed down at all even after a full season of grown men bullying him all over the ice. 

    21 hours ago, SabreFinn said:

    Think Byram has a thing or two to tell about eating also. What I 've heard MacKinnon is obsessed with eating also, watching and demanding everyone to eat right.

    MacKinnon reminded me of Pavelski when I used to frequently wait on visiting athletes at Tempo: smug, joyless, intense dudes a good team needs but no one actually "likes." Do the Sabres have a guy like that? Maybe TNT if he cuts out the visible frustration and ramps up the on-ice arrogance?

  3. Currently talented hands and determined net-front presence, obviously flourishing on a GOOD team. Amazing (and likely not replicable) PP production. 

    Previously skilled but "slow/weak" C/W tweener on a mediocre team. Probably mismanaged, in retrospect. Showed flashes. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, #freejame said:

    You could slot everyone down a line on offense and most players would still be slotted too high. 

    Tuch maybe fits as a 2nd line winger and Cozens would make a solid 3rd line center. Maybe Peterka also makes a great 3rd line winger? If numbering the lines is still a thing lol. Otherwise, I agree that everyone else (minus Skinner) is playing WAY up tonight.

  5. The most obvious dive I've seen in an NHL game in a LONG time. Incredibly ratty. Was really stunned by the overt embellishment at the time. Obviously the Sabres were incensed enough over it and the refs' blindness to it that they came undone and lost a close one because of it. No place for it.

    Make a mockery of the sport when it works. Makes a mockery of the player when it doesn't. 

  6. On 1/28/2024 at 12:07 PM, PASabreFan said:

    ska... Not quite sure how to read your Doom and Gloom dig. But wouldn't missing the playoffs again, even narrowly, be reason for continued doom and renewed gloom for next year?

    Man, I am really not up for another heroic run that fools people.

    But I guess it's what they do. Start your term paper late, make it passable with an hour to spare and celebrate the C- with a beer.

    If I wanted to be really cynical I'd say it's all by design. Do as little as possible to ensure the team is not a legit playoff team, then do as much as possible when it's too late to convince the customers you were legit if not for 1. 2. 3. and will be legit in the fall.

    See also score two late goals to get back in it/lightly graze the goalie's helmet to start a mini melee.

    We are suckers.

    It ain't pre-meditated or intelligently designed to turn out this way, unfortunately. 

    But the lack of organizational structure and accountability and roster-building urgency sure does seem to invite such mediocrity, innit? Which is maybe worse?

  7. On 12/20/2023 at 3:50 PM, RETURNTOGLORY said:

    He has inside knowledge of the dysfunctional aspect of this team and lack of leadership both ON the ice and off.

    He could have been a difference maker here. 

    Evander effing Kane cares about functionality and leadership? 

    Edit: I'll leave the above because it's a happy mistake. And I look really dumb, which is fun.

    • Haha (+1) 3
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  8. Just now, Billznut said:

    Exactly. Now just imagine them under a real coaching staff. The sky would be the limit. Too bad we will never see it. 

    Unfortunately, I have been moving in this direction for a while now. Wanted Donny to be the guy, but there is obviously something missing with him and his staff. Not to mention, firing him could be the wakeup call these immature, talented a-holes need.

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