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Dr. Who

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Posts posted by Dr. Who

  1. 6 hours ago, triumph_communes said:

    New OC, new looks. All our offense has to do is be serviceable 

    No way should anyone think it is acceptable that a Josh Allen led offense be serviceable. If you have one of the top two or three franchise qbs in the league, the expectation should be a prolific and dangerous offense, particularly when your defense tends to disappear in the playoffs.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Did you catch the shot of Kyle jumping up and down on the bench at the horn? Just about the happiest looking dude I've ever seen. 

    A lot of ex Sabres in this cup final. 

    Florida playing a damn near perfect defensive game with blocked shots, sticks in lanes, it was textbook. I don't see them losing the final unless something crazy happens. 

    We're definitely the best farm team for the NHL.

    • Agree 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Taro T said:

    Like Okposo, don't mind the Swamp Cats, and know Swamp Cat STHers.  But somehow the idea of 3 Sabres captains in a row winning the ST within a year and a half of escaping this team is just too friggin' depressing for words.  Dislike to varying degrees the other 3 teams remaining, so SHOULD want Fla to win it all, but can't get onboard the 3rd time being the charm.

    You'd like to think it might cause TP to contemplate that maybe the way he's approached things is the real cause of dysfunction and failure, but of course, he doesn't have that level of self-awareness.

    I always liked Sam Reinhart, and the Panthers are the only team left I like even a little bit, so I'm going to overcome the embarrassment of seeing yet another former group of Sabres thrive outside the negative gravity of what used to be a proud and lovable franchise. Maybe Ruff can even use it as a source of motivation to push our talent to embrace what is needed to achieve sustained excellence.

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  4. 1 hour ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    It would be extremely out of character for him and against his stated goal of not adding a long-term contract.  It's why when I mentioned him earlier I kind of dismissed him as a trade target.  That doesn't mean I'm against the acquisition, I just find it highly unlikely given KA's track record.  You and I would look a Cirelli and say perfect, we have a long-term solution at 3C and someone who could play up if we have an injury.  KA looks and thinks he's not one of my core players and therefore I'm not committing to him for 7 years. 

    I do disagree that trading Mitts was out of character for KA. In fact it was perfectly in character.  Keeping Mitts was not in his budget so he traded him for whatever he could get.  It didn't matter that he didn't have an adequate plan B at 3C (also in character) and it didn't matter that the player acquired didn't bring a skill set we needed (also in character).  It's just another example of KA not having a clue how to build a successful team. Another example of poor asset management.  

    KA could sell the deal in the press as he acquired a much needed top 4 D. Unfortunately Power/Bryam or Dahlin/Bryam or Dahlin/Power aren't viable D pairings.  Maybe Ruff could get it to work, but I'm not holding me breath.  What makes it even worse is that Byram is going to need a new deal after next season.  He basically traded Mitts for one season of an alleged top 4 D unless he gives Byram the long-term extension he couldn't afford to give Mitts.  

    Honestly I have lost all faith that KA can pull this plane out of it's tail spin.  I was bullish on the Clifton and Johnson signings.  I hoped Clifton could play up and Johnson would bring some much needed leadership and maturity to the D group.  I was wrong on both counts and so was Adams.  I then looked at the cap situation Adams has put us in, his keeping Benson in the NHL last season, his awful pro level acquisitions, his long-term mismanagement of the goaltending, his lack of any defensive stalwarts on his defense, and his failure to properly support the team in season the last two years, and I have come to the sad conclusion that he is in so far over his head he doesn't even know where to begin to fix his roster.  His keeping of terrible coaches like Ellis and Wilford are just further examples.  I do hope that my assessment of Adams is wrong.


    I really like to know how anyone has any faith or hope left that Adams can fix this team.  

    I think this off-season will clarify if there is any hope that KA has the semblance of a brain or not. The narrative you tell is pretty damn depressing.

  5. 41 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    "sick" seems a little extreme but I understand your point as a Sabres fan. I would think however that Lucic made you sicker. He should have. 

    I was trying to think of the guys I've really hated. I think Darcy Tucker fit that bill. He was very Marchandesque and he played for Toronto so how could I not hate that? Ken Linesman was really hateable. I personally think he was much dirtier than Marchand. 

    Of course at least half the 70s Flyers team would also be in that category. 

    None of them made me "sick" though. It was just good healthy hate. 

    Yes, that was hyperbole.

  6. 1 hour ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I get it. The narrative in Boston and outside Boston are two completely different things. He is beloved in that town and by his teammates. 

    You absolutely love that player if he is on your team. That said, just hearing his name makes me angry and sick.

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  7. 35 minutes ago, dudacek said:


    Generally agree with this. All pieces are important, and a team is only as good as all its pieces combined.

    But the core is more important than the other pieces, because they are the ones that get the most ice time in the toughest situations against the best players. And, comparatively speaking, our core was the part of the team that contributed the least compared to expectations

    Basically, what I am responding to is the assumption that the core will be fine if they get better pieces around them. That's not necessarily true, and it certainly wasn't last season.

    If the core is not fine, the goose is cooked. KA isn't going to blow the team up. It's certainly a question mark. I think folks are focusing on the areas where change might actually happen, and hoping that plus Ruff ends well. What else can one do at this point?

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  8. 1 minute ago, JohnC said:

    To his credit, the GM has accumulated enough talent within the system to use them as chips for a trade. He also has the ability to go to the free agent market and acquire players who add attributes (mostly physicality) to significantly upgrade the lower half of the roster and better balance this roster. I would certainly be open to trading our first pick as part of a deal to bring in a first or second-line caliber of player. 

    From an overview perspective, we have enough talent to fill out our top two lines. And I believe that our blue line has enough talent to put together suitable pairings. It's the third and fourth lines that need to be significantly fortified. 

    What I'm not in favor for is blowing up this roster with so called blockbuster PR deals that deplete the talent base and end up setting us back again. (We have done that already.) For me, it's not so much about being dramatically bold as it is being wise and judicious. 

    Well, I agree. I'm not advocating for blowing up the roster. I do think, and others have said this, that KA needs to figure out who he is going to bet on going forward and trade some of the other prior early picks for established players. He has to accept risk in a way that I think he has been reticent to do. If he trades enough assets, it may actually be worth keeping this year's pick. I would not be in a hurry to assume it is necessarily dealt, though it should not be off the table.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    You look at the talent that was dealt to start over and rebuild our roster. The list includes Eichel, Rheinhart, Montour, Ullmark etc. and to a lesser extent Mitts who all are on Cup contending teams. (Eichel was on a cup winning team last year.) The return was mostly for futures (picks), also including young players such as Tage, that took time to develop. That phase of the rebuild or reconstruction is now over. 

    Our GM has talked a lot about this new phase of competitiveness. Unless multiple players are added to this unbalanced roster, this franchise will continue to be stuck and remain being an inconsequential franchise with a withering fan base. (Compare the hockey fanbase to the Bandit fanbase!)

    Some people are looking for a blockbuster deal that brings in a high-profile player. I'm not one of them. What I expect at the minimum are at least three good players (Greenway type players) added who fill out the third and fourth lines and play a tougher brand of hockey. Would I give up a first-round pick and a high-end prospect for a Cirelli type player? Yes. 

    The GM has to demonstrate that he knows the difference between adding talent and molding a serious team together. 

    I'm putting a lot of hope in 1) it seems KA may suddenly feel sufficient heat that he is incentivized to make bolder moves, and trade some young talent for NHL ready players, and 2) Ruff should be a voice that will prioritize elements necessary for a coherent team build that are currently lacking.

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  10. 52 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Tkachuk's in their heads. He gets in everybody's head. The league likes it. No big deal but the Bruins were reacting instead of initiating. They will have to be a lot better to bounce back. They might not. 

    There's no taunting penalty in hockey is there? (unlike football). I know you all hate Marchand, and that's fair, but if Montour did that to the Sabres you'd all be up in arms and want his head. Pity they'd already booted Maroon and Frederic. 

    Now Vancouver don't look good at all. I really don't want an Oilers cup. Anybody else. Anybody. 

    I'm rooting for Vancouver, which means they are doomed.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 47 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    Remember those asshats in Jersey who cheered America's comeuppance?

    That's you if you cheered the Leafs' demise.

    That's a ridiculous analogy. The Toronto media and sense of entitlement, despite decades of failure, arguably outstrips 13 years of Terry Pegula, though not for you, apparently. Regardless, it's fully within the tribal allegiances of sports rivalry to wish your near opponents misfortune. It's not equivalent to desiring a pox on their families and horrible lives. Moral outrage over absolutely typical fandom is misplaced and truculent on your part. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    I assume you are talking about the Sabres?  I have no doubt that the Sabres qualify as the worst NHL franchise since Nov 12, 2011.  

    What’s wrong with the fans?  

    They're not supposed to experience schadenfreude over the Leafs losing. Sanctimonious, imo.

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  13. 30 minutes ago, Buffalonill said:

    It's still confusing why your GM picked one Wide receiver in one of the deepest in a decade 

    It's being debated endlessly over on the football side of this forum. Beane comes out of Carolina. They did the same thing with Cam Newton. Baffling, really, but they just concentrate on DL and devalue WR. 

    I do think Joe Brady is designing an offense that will emphasize the run and TE more, so that may be part of it. It's still a deficient WR room, and I fear that Coleman needs to play the big slot to really be effective, because he doesn't get separation. And that is where Kincaid shines. Evidently, they are convinced Coleman can thrive as a boundary X. 

  14. 54 minutes ago, Buffalonill said:

    He's most likely not going to make a impact year 1 which is disappointing for you guys but he will be solid imo.


    Having Hollins as the number 1 can't happen though hopefully you guys have a trade lined up 

    Beane says no. I hope he's lying through his teeth and after 6/1 something happens.

    Even without a trade, there is no world where Hollins is a number one. You might have multiple WR2 types if they envision Shakir, Samuel, and Coleman as getting the bulk of the targets, but I don't think Coleman is a high target receiver. I would have selected McConkey and traded up to get Mitchell or Burton, even if he is a headcase.

  15. 26 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    So ... Beane and his scouting team and coaches, really do know a lot more about football than the fans - including the alleged experts at TBD. 

    Just wait until the Sabres get good, which could be next year, more TBD'ers will flock to this site and enlighten us all how to play hockey too.  Bank on it.  

    I've been on TBD for over twenty years. Was one of the few who was enthused about Allen, pushed for Kincaid last year. The Coleman pick might work out, but there are legitimate reasons for questioning it. Not everyone is an ignorant yahoo who wonders about Beane's strategy. Coleman is young. He's an improvement over Davis, but most of his success has been out of the slot, not on the boundary. Beane said he wanted a more explosive WR room, but he drafts a different kind of player. That's fine, except Kincaid is probably our best weapon, and he plays the big slot. 

    Anyway, I don't weigh in too much on the Sabres. I can't follow hockey as well as I can football. I know college football well enough to have a semi-informed opinion on the players in the draft. My fear with Beane is that he is always following the Carolina model, the one that ran Cam Newton into the ground. He builds competent teams with depth, but they lack elite playmakers, which is why we seem to sputter in the post-season and lose in the divisional round.


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  16. 1 hour ago, PerreaultForever said:

    My own purely speculative view is that they fully planned to go ahead with Granato for one more year until Ruff was fired by New Jersey. When that happened Terry and Kevyn got together and it was "new plan". The rest is spin, optics, marketing, and PR BS. 

    I also think Ruff will get a say in personnel and other moves going forward. This will be his last coaching job and he will be bumped into a senior advisory role when it ends. The only question obviously is will it end successfully or not. 

    I'm pretty much happy with all of that. If KA listens to Ruff on personnel, I give it a better than 50/50 to at least end in the playoffs.

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  17. On 4/22/2024 at 8:14 AM, inkman said:

    Prepping the fanbase for trading out of the first round.  Dammit Beane, I took Friday off for this *****!  

    You're going to be disappointed anyway when you find out the draft starts on Thursday.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    Come on SDS, a puke emoji for a banner?

    The teams last 13 seasons? Ya, it's all subjective on the futures view, but a puke emoji for support of that with which we are familiar and had a decent run in the tenure they were here? Lol, not a fan of the choice, or not a fan of a fan who's so elated at the choice a puke emoji was worthy?

    Ya, I'm riding it a bit. I found it funny given the teams journey since his exit is all.

    Ignore it and be happy. At minimum, the Sabres have a competent, experienced coach who will hold the players accountable. Folks were crying for that all year, but now it wasn't a real coaching search, so the rest doesn't matter.

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