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Posts posted by musichunch

  1. This is exactly what I am talking about. How does your personal experience apply?

    Do you have a lot of experience with the personalities involved? Insight into this particular set of circumstances?


    The media makes mistakes, usually in the rush to be first.

    Why that means they are mis-characterizing this case, I'm not sure.


    Cops are all the same. The always behave the same way. So do reporters, football players, black people, athletes, women in bars and people with money.

    I don't want to downplay the good, thought-provoking non-hockey stuff I read here, but there seems to be a hell of a lot of stereotyping that goes on in this place.


    I mean what could of happened to make it OK? What could of happened to make it more wrong?


    Are we waiting for an "investigative report" or something. It's a freaking bar fight. Some idiot said or did something and it started. 


    I'm sorry to say it, but drunk idiots at clubs ALL ACT THE SAME EXACT WAY. Sorry for the stereotype. But I don't know what breaking bombshell you're waiting for that means we're not allowed to comment and judge. The "N" word? I guess that would exonerate him and make everything OK. 

  2. Here we go again. Another thread full of people applying their own prejudices to a case they know very little about.


    Here's cell phone footage of part of the fight, if that helps.




    Frankly, there's not much to "know". I've seen or been involved in dozens of these types of altercations since I was a teen. Somebody started it or there was miscommunication. There's no bombshell or smoking gun to be found. It's just a drunken club fight we're making a big deal out of. 

  3. Right. "LeSean McCoy involved in incident at nightclub" would have sufficed.


    Ugh. Let's not get PC here. It absolutely matters that they were cops, off-duty or not. It goes from generic story to GREAT STORY. 


    If your buddy came home from the club and told you he just beat up some cops, would you say "why does it matter they were cops? why do you have to mention it?"

  4. Reports are Meek Mill was in attendance.




    UPDATE: PhillyInfluencer.com has learned that Philly Rapper Meek Mill, who was just put on house arrest this week for violating probation, was in fact at Recess on the night of February 7th. Multiple sources say that Meek was in the VIP section on this night. This story continues to take many turns and now it now puts Meek in the spotlig



  5. It's fun to take the narrative the media puts stories like this into, and flip it. 


    Let's take ESPN's headline: 

    LeSean McCoy involved in altercation with 3 off-duty officers


    Now flip it: 


    3 off-duty officers involved in altercation with Lesean McCoy


    The assumptions being made by the writers suddenly become very apparent based on something as simple the ordering of actors in a headline. 


    "LeSean McCoy romantically involved with 3 off-duty officers" would make a better story.

  6. There's absolutely a difference in the way cases are reported when considering the race of the athlete, though.


    I feel like there's so much self-policing about that kind of stuff now I don't see the difference. I mean they don't even mention the race of the perp half the time on the local news nowadays, even though it's blatantly obvious that it's important. 


    I agree that people's perceptions are different. 

  7. In fact, it's pretty much guaranteed McCoy will get charged now. It's out in the media and it makes the Philly PD looks like a bunch of girls. And Philly PD can't afford a soft reputation in a rough city like that. Especially to get beat up by a famous inner-city role model like McCoy. It's bad enough already with the "Don't Shoot" stuff. 

  8. So I'm still not getting why it's a problem that the officer moved his bottle to a different table. Why would the players care? Drunkenness? 


    But I totally understand standing up for one of your friends in an altercation with (probably) a big group of guys. It sounds like they had no idea those guys were officers. I've stood up for my friends before and later learned it was blatantly my friend's fault. 


    Hero worship.


    I generally agree. But you know it matters. First because it makes a great story, second because cops hate losing and will go after you if you get one up on them. Third because the media sold their souls to the devil. 

  9. You mention fighting the "hive mentality" here, but in my experience the only time that there is a "hive mentality" is when stuff from outer space like this or the statement that this board has a Soviet-Union-like feel is mentioned. Nobody sees it that way except you, so naturally when we say that sounds crazy, you feel like nobody is on your side. It is crazy. This board isn't slowly getting censored, silencing the brave truth-speakers, to allow Pegula to get away with some maniacal plot.


    Maybe I just don't see it, but it rarely seems like you post anything hockey-related here, so I think you're missing a huge chunk of this board activity that is centered around all of us learning from each other and enjoying and debating the sport we love. When we all spend our time doing that and then see accusations of groupthink and censorship from someone who rarely posts other than to accuse the board of this, we aren't going to agree, and you'll use that as further evidence for something that doesn't even exist.


    Stick around, and jump into other threads sometime. This is a really fun place to be.


    Good points.


    I've stopped posting in hockey-related threads around the time I was attacked for suggesting Eichel was playing lazy. I felt that if I couldn't speak my mind on hockey, what was the point in posting here? I live in Florida now, I think the only reason I even come around anymore is to feel some sort of connection to the city. 


    The thing is, sometimes the stuff from "outer space" only seems that way because it's outside the box. There is always something to it. When I hear people label it "crazy" and say "nobody agrees with you", I roll my eyes. I don't think PA is crazy in this thread. I don't think I'm crazy for thinking Kane might be a problem down the line. We're just speaking our truth. When we're attacked for saying what we believe, not with logic but with insults, we strike back. 


    So maybe it's my overall frustration with this board spilling over. A great poster on this forum got banned, and now another really good one gets attacked for something relatively minor. What did they have in common? They were willing to criticize sacred cows and speak their minds even if it was against the grain.


    So yes, I feel like a brave truth-speaker. And perhaps I'm full of myself, but that's a mark on my character, not on my ideas and intuition. 


    And besides, PR control of message boards is hardly a "maniacal" idea, even third party ones. Even if the mods aren't in on it, I'd bet a lot of money there are Sabre employees or international contractors posting on this site and others with the sole purpose of monitoring and leading discussion in certain directions. Bots even. 


    When the team is in the third or fourth year of a stink, and criticizing the owner is taboo, it's not natural. 

  10. About you making unsubstantiated claims that there's the shadowy hand of the mods behind a "hivemind."  And that you're somehow fighting the power.


    What is a substantiated claim? Do you want me to link to a research paper about SabreSpace conformity? Add a Reddit upvote/downvote button on this site and it's true nature will appear pretty quickly. 

  11. Once again and with feeling ... it's not about the invitation.


    It's what it means ... that the Sabres management and owner are, indeed, worried about losing money and not about winning cup(s).  If it were they would not care about how many fannies were in the seats.


    To me at least, the comment means that Pegula's "I'll dig another well" comment was fantasy. 


    This Toronto thing, no matter how minor posters want it to be, tells us the Sabres are already undertaking risk management due to the team's poor performance. 


    We're starting to see how Pegula handles a potentially sinking ship. Will he throw fan loyalty out the window? What kind of man is he really now that we're past the puff pieces? Let's find out. 

  12. You've lost me here. In no way do I have anything but respect for PA, he's easily one of my favorite posters. You seem to imply that I'm part of this hive-mind, why? What makes me part of it? 


    I wouldn't consider you a "hive-mind defender" like I would some other people, but I've never seen you post a provocative opinion on this board on par with what PA posted in this thread. 


    I'm sure you have a lot of respect for him, but once you post something like he did and have to deal with the ad hominem attacks, you'll see the amount of courage and thick skin it takes. Even I can take so much before I need to take a break. To then be warned for it and then have his defenders be chided for "being ungrateful to SDS". Just a very Soviet Union feel here. 

  13. As for the hive-mind concept, maybe ya'll should ###### post more. If you have an opinion on something, post it, and argue it. Best conversations I ever get on here are with people who staunchly oppose me. That's what made the ROR thread so fun


    It's not fun to post if you're fighting the hive mind all the time. Give it a try sometime. You would have more respect for PA. 

  14. Not the fans fault. But if certain fans are going to crusade over opposing fans in our building but yet not attend games themselves, it smacks of something...what's the word...


    You want every fan to attend 40 games a year? For a bottom of the standings team? Not every Sabres fan lives in East Amherst and has a cushy middle class job. 

  15. I agree.




    What are these questionable actions?



    Well, you're assuming away the issue here, innit? 


    SDS (and I, FWIW) thought the OP wasn't a real opinion -- just trolling.  Now, you and others may disagree with this assessment, and I think it's perfectly fine to discuss whether or not the OP's concerns are justified, but I don't agree with characterizing SDS' or chz's responses to the OP as any kind of stifling of dissent.



    As to the first bolded part:  what are these actions?  Please be specific.


    As to the 2nd:  getting rid of trolls is, by definition, a good thing. 


    Also:  I don't see how anyone could read any thread on this board and infer a push towards conformity.


    The last paragraph is nonsense.




    And there's a reason I put trolls in quotation marks. 

    I for one have a big problem when anyone takes issue with how Scott runs this board (it's happened in here a few times). He's gone a long way to provide this place to us free of charge. He has given to us far more than anyone has to him. For that reason alone, I wish people would drop the petty board related complaints.


    Yeah let's never question authority. 

  16. Putting aside what kind of pitiful commentary on sports fans that is, nothing about that news article even remotely equates to advertising in an opposing fan base's newspaper. 


    GO SABRES!!!


    Cuse fans would be pissed regardless of where it was written. Just the thought of Georgetown fans being accommodated by the team would make them barf. 


    And was the "pitiful commentary" remark directed towards me or fans in general? If it was me, then how PC can you get?

  17. It's really not. A representative of the team is welcoming opposing teams fans. On the face it seems mundane, but to some it might not be. Just because you don't think so doesn't mean it should be easily dismissed. 


    Russ Brandon has never struck me as a guy who actually even likes sports. He's reached a very high point in an ultra-competitive industry. 


    Look I used to work in marketing. One of the quickest way to get yourself ingratiating with the guys on top is to find a way to increase the bottom line at any costs. If you need to screw over your customers to do it, the question you ask is "would we get away with it?" and not "are we being loyal?". 


    So I get it. And I get that Brandon probably knows as much about hockey as my mother and needs to prove himself ASAP. But where the hell is Pegula in all of this? The billionaire who got the city to spread it's legs over a tearful press conference. His actions with the Sabres since he purchased the Bills have been far different from his words that day. 


    I think PA sensed a phoniness. Ghost mentioned his concern for the city to me before he got banned. The Pegula/Bills press conference told me all I need to know about how Pegula truly feels about the Sabres. Like dating the average looking girl in order to get with her hotter friend. Slick, but messed up. 


    Is it interesting? Have you ever been critical of Sabres management? Have you ever been warned?


    I wonder what percentage of posters here have been critical - even highly critical of the Sabres management in the last 10 years...? If you told me it was close to 100% I would believe it.


    How many people do you think were warned for doing so? If you told me 2 - I would believe that too. 100,000's posts and I bet that number comes in at 2-3. So, if you find that interesting, well you're an odd duck.


    There's something fishy going on here and some posters are beginning to sniff it out. Warning PA seems to me to be part of a slow plan to get rid of the "trolls" and turn this forum into pure conformity. Something similar has been happening on TBD. 


    At the very least the mods don't like people criticizing ownership if the reason isn't "valid". To which I say, why would the mods care if they have no interests tied up with One Buffalo? I understand getting annoyed. But warning long-time posters who seem genuine about their concerns? Fishy fishy fishy. 

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