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Posts posted by RustySabre

  1. Never liked him. Kicks out big rebounds way too often. Once he hits the ice it takes forever for him to get back on his feet. Which brings up the question why does a tall Goaltender have to go to the ice so much? Can't stop the over his shoulder shot. Terrible in the shoot out, as all Sabre goaltenders are this year. Any one else miss Irbe as the goaltending coach?

  2. According to RJ and Rayzor on the radio he got sat following a turnover that led to the first goal. It was a topic of conversation during the first intermission about how you don't want to kill his creativity but that he needs to be more responsible as well.

    Maybe he needs to be coached. Anyone know where to find one?
  3. The nature of his "antics" (the euphemism we like to use around here) has been different in Buffalo compared with Winnipeg.  In WPG, they were mostly locker room issues.  In Buffalo they've been more public legal issues.  So to say he knew this would happen isn't quite accurate.

    Might not be accurate but it goes to the character of the individual. If he has problems with team mates what else can you think? He has issues worth watching or at least be aware of right? No one can predict how it would turn out but......I've never been inside a refrigerator but I'm pretty sure the light goes out when you close the door, If you follow me.

  4. I'm losing confidence in this guys each game. The constant line juggling. The backing into a defensive shell when playing with the lead. And one thing that always bothers me, watch how many times a Sabre will gain possession of the puck on a line rush and his line mates head to the bench on a line change, blowing the chance of some decent shots. I don't expect you to believe it because I say it, just watch for yourself. I can't figure this guy out.

  5. Welcome, and keep it coming!


    I generally agree with this post, except that the bolded part is, I believe, the crux of the issue in GMTM's mind.  He needs Kaner to prove this summer that he can behave himself.

    Well I don't know what that says about Murray since he jumped on the trade. He had to know what he was getting. Unless his action causes him to miss games, I don't see an issue.

  6. I have a problem with the "his value" and " free up cap space" logic. The guys motor is always going. His passion shows when he's on the ice. Who you getting back that will replace that? Who should they be looking to get in return? Draft picks that won't make the team for couple years?  They're not getting a big time defense man for him. I hate a dump our stars for future asset mentality.Kane is not a problem and he's not going to bring a great player in return. Build on what you have, don't repeatedly tear down just to get draft picks and leave the team void of talent.

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