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Posts posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. You're too good at this. You should start a blog or Twitter account. It could become a thing.


    In the bottom pic, is that ROR's long lost step brother? I smell a movie.

    Top pic we have: Do No Evil with the Monty Python Hands Guy the See No Evil Woman and then the guy partially obscured by ROR stick, " Ah frick this i'm shotgunning this beer and going home."  

  2. I was thinking some more about the replay and offer this subtle, but significant change


    If you challenge the call, regardless of the outcome, you lose your timeout


    My reasoning:  The stoppage has the same effect as a timeout.  A lengthy time out to rest your guys and deny any momentum by the scoring team. 

    I hate that offsides is able to be challenged; that said, why on earth would you EVER punish a team for asking for the right call. Why should a team lose tactical equality (starting with one timeout each) because of an error made by the refs? If a team challenges a goal and wins why should they not be able to use that timeout later?


    It would make about as much sense as assessing a delay of game minor to the home team when a pane of the boards breaks. If you want to discourage teams from challenging the call that badly then you need to rethink giving them the ability to challenge it in the first place. 





    Mad Max :lol:


    I've been meaning to try that porter. I wasn't happy with their Scotch Ale and it's prevented me from trying the other special brews.

    Excellent choices of brews and pumpkins. 


    rohrbach scotch ale is one of my favorite's, and any celebration hopped IPA's are citrusy delicousness. But I digress, beer thread here I come...

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