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Posts posted by z-man

  1. The rule of thumb my father taught me is "never give your wife/ladyfriend something that plugs in as a main gift". Hair removal products don't plug in, but I think they still fall under the "never" category.


    There's the "old couple" type gift like warm socks ("well I know how your feet get cold") or something like that, but that is thoughtful and sweet. There's nothing sweet about taking something a woman buys regularly, and providing her with a cheaper, almost as good version instead.


    That said, people are different, and what works for some may not work for others.

  2. Haven't used a gilette in years. I steal my wife's disposable lady razor to shave my balls in the shower, but other than that I use a straight razor or beard trimmer if I am going that route. I read up on straight razors and got proficient a few years ago but it is more of a hobby than a way to save money. I've been wanting to try a safety razor but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. I will say I used to like the single blade bic metals for a cheap, comfortable shave that will work in an airline carry on, but I think they stopped making them.

  3. This is ridiculous. With all due respect. If they were "in lock step" then they would absolutely make it appear like the tank is intentional and there would be no plausible deniability.


    There is no way, right now, Nolan and Murray can be seen as "being on the same page". It has to look like an internal cluster-f*#k for this to work.

    So you think their perceived relationship right now is all a ruse and they are going to be lighting cigars and slapping each others backs in late june? I'll believe it when I see it.

  4. From their interviews you get the distinct feeling that Tim Murray and Ted Nolan do not have a very collaborative relationship right now. Comments like "I'm not the coach" when asked about playing time, COHO, etc., from Murray, and comments like "well I'm just the coach, not management" basically tells you all you need to know. They do not agree with what the other is doing and are not in "lockstep" to borrow an overused phrase from the Bills' management. I like Nolan a ton as a person but I don't see any way he stays after the season ends and it may be the best thing for the organization. I think he is aware of this right now and I'm glad that he does not seem bitter about it. 

  5. I went searching for a definition of tanking. It has to be more aggressive than what Murray has done. Like when the Pens sent a hot goalie down to the minors late in 83-84 and brought up a human nine-hole. Anyway, I stumbled onto the following. Sure, it's the NBA, but it's still good food for thought.






    I like to believe that the Colts 2-14 season to get Luck was a tank job by Bill Polian, who took the fall at the end and was "fired" as part of his plan...the perfect crime to segue from the Manning era into the Luck era.
  6. Now I don't believe this is that useful without looking at the individual picks, but that would take way too much time. This is just a quick chart with highlights to show the visual relationship between where a teams top 5 picks were and where they won the cup post-lockout. Pretty damn fascinating. BUT, the list below it shows that only 1 of the top 8 "pick getters" has won a cup.




    Looks like I missed highlighting Carolina's 03 pick.

  7. There are also just as many, actually many more, examples of teams that had top picks and didn't win crap. Just look at Colorado this year. A #1 and a #2 has them competing in the CHL.

    Agree bigtime. Look at the cup winners the last couple years and you see cohesive teams with winning cultures, not a bunch of good players with two superstars.
  8. They're NHL players. That's the criteria. And that's the plan GMTM very clearly set forth for Nolan to follow when he signed a bunch of NHL vets to fill out the roster. I don't believe there was any chance Reinhart was going to get anything more than just the tip, just to see how it feels.

    Murray did seem irritated in an interview on the sabres site when Reinhart was sent down, saying something like "Well if he had gotten more than third line minutes we might not be having this conversation." I could have misread it but it seemed like he thought he wasn't given a fair shot to develop by Nolan.
  9. Murray said when he was hired that he didn't believe rebuilds should take 5 years. My recollection is that he was basically expecting to be a playoff team in year three, or at least considering that to be a reasonable expectation. And he isn't the type to mislead. If you consider this to be year two, I think the Sabres are playing exactly how he would have planned them to...a young group of players showing signs of becoming a team. That's why he's not going to sell Myers at anything less than an outrageous price, why he's going to take his time weighing Enroth vs. Neuvirth, etc. Of course he will sell Stafford and Stewart, but that's different.


    I think to be honest that a lot of the tank advocates are just being greedy. Did we forget that we got the #1 forward in last year's draft? Did we forget about the guys already in the system like Grigorenko? Did we forget that we have room to sign some absurd free agents or trade for stars whose teams can't afford them, if they become available?


    Go take a look at the hockey's future list of our prospects, and try and figure out how we are going to fit those guys on our roster if even half of the good ones pan out in the next 3 years, while adding/replacing veterans. I think Murray did say when he was hired, "The cupboard is not bare."

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