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Posts posted by JHeinz4727

  1. There are definitely plenty of examples of teams who have gotten back to back #1's in the draft:


    Montreal: 68-69: Michael Plasse, Rejean Houle

    Islanders: 71-71: Guy Lafleur, Billy Haris

    Quebec: 89-91: Mats Sundin, Owen Nolan, Eric Lindros

    Ottawa: 95-96: Bryan Berard, Chris Phillips

    Oilers: 2010-2012: Hall, Hopkins, Yakupov


    So it is definitely possible/do-able, I guess the only questions are


    1) Is this team that bad

    -They seem to be


    2) Can they sustain it for next year

    -If they continue to be this bad this year, they'll trade Miller and Vanek, so they'll be even worse


    3) Are the number one picks good enough to win with

    -I don't know the success of the teams listed above, as far as getting consecutive number one picks, and I can't judge the Oilers yet as it hasn't been that long






    Side question, I know Rolston was brought in initially because he was the coach of the Amerks, and kept on because he has done work in rookie development, but does anyone else suspect Darcy kept him on in part/also because he figured he'd lead a team to a first? Besides Perreault, Turgeon (the latter of which I know nothing about) Buffalo has never had a number one pick, and we've only picked in the top 5 a handful of times including those. At some point, you have to suck enough to become good through the draft, and it seems the only thing the Sabres have ever been the best at is being just good enough to never improve, and bad enough to be illicit some sort of hope that dies come May



    I'm starting to lean that way also, which is depressing considering the excitement that came with him his Calder year.

    So, assuming Myers doesn't pan out (which I think is likely), do we trade him or are we incompetent enough to keep him for an absurd contract for years, watch him struggle, then lose him for nothing after paying him like he's an All-Star? Hopefully not, but this is Buffalo.


    Assuming we trade him, and Vanek and Miller, and we get back to back firsts, (if not, at least top-threes), we should be looking at a top-four team, right?


    The draft is a little more easy to predict as the talent is mapped out for months, but the trades for Vank/Miller/Myers are a little more iffy, and they could lend some pleasent surprises. We appear to have some stock, some pretty deep pockets actually, and the next three years could be exciting, building wise that is.

    Myers is so Terrible, Just plain Bad, God awful, that we trade him. I understand the emotion due to frustration, However, who the heck wants to trade good quality players for him. I mean come on people, use your head

  2. And really if both teams go.........Who the hell really cares. With the loss of Industry and jobs, wage and benefit cuts for those left, that are fortunate enough to be working. Higher taxes for residents here, to cover for those residents who have gone, Schools closing, Hospitals closing. SERIOUSLY, Buffalo residents are worried about teams leaving, when it all boils down, who really cares. They both SUCK anyways, in two ways. They SUCK you dry for new updates to the stadiums and everything associated with that, Parking, Food and Beer sales. They SUCK you dry for tickets, sports gear, TV subscriptions. And they SUCK Period on the playing field and Ice. Come on people, buffalonians have bigger fish to fry, than to be worried about the sports teams leaving town. I do have an idea, though, play the same card as Corporate America, "Pay them for performance". I think if we adjusted the rates of admission, based on the quality of the performance. We could all go see the Bills and the Sabres for next to nothing if not free.

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