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Posts posted by Grumpy

  1. I'll accept your word that it was legit. I'll admit that at the time, I preferred Drury if we could only have one and later that summer would have let Vanek go for the package of number ones. Now, if I were Vanek, I'd be entertaining all offers to move on after next year and get out of this mess.



    Again. Ruff really wanted Briere and Regier refused to argue with Quinn. That's on Regier. It's on Quinn, too, to be sure, but it's on Regier, too.




    You're forgetting a letter, IMO: G. Need C and G. The rest works around those two positions.

    So, how do you know what Ruff really wanted? Substantiate please.
  3. You also can't say that Drury and Briere would have had the same careers since leaving Buffalo that they had if they stayed. Drury might still be playing, and maybe Briere would have worked as a #1 centre here. The Flyers have had plenty of other options that he wasn't needed in that role there, and drury is out because of injuries.


    And as i was corrected before here, Black Sunday wasn't Regiers fault, that was Quinn and Golisano who take the blame.


    Drury might still be playing?


    Briere a #1 center with the roster we have had? Which "studs" with toughness were going to protect him? You do live in a dream world. Anyone who blames Quinn for DR's incompetence just doesn't follow the NHL IMO. Come on Man!



    Hodgson IS skating away from the play a lot harder this year. Last year he floated out there for the most part. You make a good point.


    This thread is just fun, because it brings so much of what we have all debated about together into one transaction and followthrough:


    On my end:


    Darcy loves undersized skill guys

    Lindy tries to break down physical and emotional players into robots

    Sabres can't develop a physical forward

    Sabres trade for monotone nice guy and trade away personality

    Sabres need a center but go and get another undersized one to be 1+2

    Foligno was on fire when playing on instinct but has regressed this year into the Lindy System

    Vancouver pickpockets all the Sabres big men. Kassian, Torres, Pyatt, Bernier, Mancari

    Sabres fans claim great trade after 2 games and Gary Roberts Technical School of Hair Design

    Sabres record and personality of play seemingly not much different than past 6 years



    That's why this is fun right now. We should all know that in fairness it will be years before we know the results....but it doesn't stop anyone from predicting the results given history and current importance of each and every game this season.


    Doesn't love undersized skill guys, but got lucky post lock-out number one when rules changed.


    Lindy has always had a whipping boy, and they are never Canadian.


    Sabres only began drafting physical forwards so not much experience in developing them. Darcy was out of touch which ties into above until recently.


    Yea, and to last 6 years. Same Sh*t, different year.


    LR/DR need to move on, but TP tells us they are the best. Beginning to be like the Bills.




    So last year. Pyatt scores 9 goals and records 137 hits while Drew Stafford scored 20 goals with 102 hits so Pyatt has developed into this feared, aggressive checker who can score but Staffor dis a bum and Lindy can't develop anyone?

    One hit every two games. Amazing.

    I know, its the eye test now. Only an idiot would think it has something to do with growing into it. Any fool can see that Pyatt is just plain better, has more heart blah blah blah.


    Pyatt a 3rd line player, Stafford a second. Pyatt 1.5M Stafford 4M. Blah, blah,blah.

  6. Yes, I am happy he got out and am hoping that Vanek, Pom , and Regehr are smart enough to escape too. Buffalo is in a rebuilding process, has been for five years. They just did not know it. There is no place here for mature players who wants a shot at the cup. It will take them five years and a prayer to see the second round. The tragedy is they could have gone out and added what they needed to make a run but they did not or could not. I am sad for Cody.


    I thought we were having a civil discussion and a honest difference of opinion...


    The most significant difference between the two teams... Vigneault knows talent and how to use it., he knows how to manage a game .If lindy had the Sedins they would play on different lines.


    Beyond that, only about 100 other differences in the way they play the game and more than a few similarities . The system you use should be based on the abilities of the personnel you have. If i was lindy i would be trapping three periods a night and clearing the offensive zone on the first touch rather than trying to make the outlet pass. Especially when Myers is in the game.


    Now that i have said this the Sabres will go on a 6-0 run (it had to be done)


    I don't want to get involved in the arguement, but the underlined part is just sooo true. And while other teams morphed to bigger and stronger to adapt to the return to imeping players, we lived in 2006-2007 dream world. Now Darcy is trying to play catch-up and they get guys like Scott to try to plug a huge hole created by mismanagemet.. That's what people saw in Kassian. I didn't need him to be a goon, I needed him to be Foligno, a big guy with some skill who could win down low and establish position in front of the net. I want more than one of this kind of player. Unfortunately, we needed a center desperately. And , as stated , you don't get quality for shite. We've changed the type of player we draft in the last couple of years, but you don't change the entire organization overnight.

  7. I'm not so sure about that one. Hodgson was a piece they desperately wanted. They were going to have to give something in order to get him. I'm not sure what else would have gotten it done.


    Exactly, we needed help down the middle and you weren't getting anything good for garbage, contrary to trades we propose at times on this board. In a way, Kassian doing well speaks more highly of Hodgson. As I've said earlier, I hope both do well.

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