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Posts posted by Bangarang

  1. 17 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    If they do it's because Kevyn or someone else in the front office managed to talk Terry into it.

    I don't think Terry is too fond of Jack these days.

    Why would anyone on this team even want to do such a thing? What’s there to celebrate him for? Being the best player on a bad team and throwing a pitty party to force his way out? 

  2. 11 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    Kinda apples and oranges IMHO.  The Bills stopped trying pretty early on in that drought and RCW was content with just cashing the checks that come with owning an NFL team.  The Sabres have been trying the whole time -- they've just made a series of crippling mistakes.

    I can see the similarities between the two tbh. Both long time losers who could only attract bottom of the barrel coaches and GMs. It wasn’t until we got lucky with McD where things completely turned around. Not sure if Granato or KA will have that same effect.

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