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Posts posted by Jeanbe

  1. Not saying that Arizona is going to move but they really could use a player that can fill the seats. Most other teams that are bad are still filling the arena's. Not so in Phoenix. That's my reasoning.


    I live in PHX and there is no way he puts butts in the seats. The arena is in a horrible place and it's not worth my time to fight traffic to go out there, If the arena was built in the east valley it wouldn't be so bad.

  2. I'm betting that his wife runs the Sabres and he runs the Bills. I think I heard rumors that Mrs. Pegula wanted the Sabres and Mr. Pegula has always wanted the Sabres. If that is the case, as there ever been, let's say, women "controlling" owners in the NHL?


    Those were my thoughts a few days back as well since we now know that Kim is sitting in on meetings.

  3. Exactly. How is that funny? Someone please explain to me how all but about 5% of their stuff is funny!


    I know what you mean. The only thing I found hilarious is the Holy Grail and that had a horrible ending. The majority of their stuff I don't find funny at all.

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