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Team Strike Force

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Posts posted by Team Strike Force

  1. Don't where a T-Shirt that can be read. Or put a disclaimer at the bottom saying "don't read out loud"


    You know that it bothers you, too.


    On another note. I'm sort of into the Olympics, but only certain events. What's the deal with telling us, either in the TV description or on the website, that an event will be on for a certain time, but then not showing it? I recorded 3 hours of USA last night expecting to see some rowing. The website said that's when it would be on. It wasn't and I had field hockey, fencing, and caber toss on my DVR. It's like waiting for the cable guy.

  2. I've been saving this one up. I like the freecreditreport.com commercials where the dude sings. But I guess I overanalyze things. I can't just enjoy the catchy tunes.


    Why does he end up serving chowder and ice tea because his identity was stolen?


    How would knowing his girlfriend's credit was "whack" ahead of time have kept him and her from living in the basement at her mom and dad's?


    Yeah, that's true. Does that mean that he wouldn't have married the girl and found someone with good credit instead?


    My gripe this week is with people who look at your tee shirt and feel compelled to read it out loud. I find it very annoying. So what if I have a $3 shirt from Las Vegas? What do you gain from reading the words "Las Vegas" aloud?

  3. If I may...

    F Brett Favre. The Packers gave him ample opportunity to change his mind back in May or June and he wouldn't commit. Now they are into training camp and he has a change of heart. I don't blame the Packers one bit for drawing the line in the sand. He has been a great player for a long time...but now he is ending his career as a pain in the ass. :angry:


    There will be no living with the Jet fans, now.

  4. What's the deal with the X Games? Why does ESPN insist on cramming this down our throats every year? I think that the quality of their programs have gone downhill (Coors light 6 pack of questions, anyone?), but I still like to catch Sportscenter from time to time, particularly when the lady friend isn't home. But instead the Xgames is going over time, and I'm watching wannabe daredevils ride motorbikes over mounds of dirt. It's crap.

  5. I hate how simple ideas turn into millions of dollars and I'm not a part of it. Vitamin water? C'mon. Let's take water, make it different colors, and say it has vitamins in it. I couldn't have thought of that?


    I read a story awhile ago about how a teenager made a bunch of money selling graphic for myspace pages to other stupid teenagers. Great idea, yet so simple.


    I guess I'm just bitter that I can't come up with a stupid idea that will make lots of money.

  6. I absolutely hate people with umbrellas. I have no problem with using them, but most people carry them at around my eye level. They never look where they're going and I'm in constant fear of going blind. It doesn't help that its so windy out here in Boston.


    The worst with that is when someone's walking with an umbrella, and they're not watching behind them. Then you get poked in the gut with the tip of an umbrella when they start walking.

  7. Gotta get in a couple more before Thursday ends.


    I can't keep my plants alive. I try so hard but they keep losing their leaves. Maybe it's because my apartment is about 105 degrees in the summer.


    Instead of coming attractions at the movies, they've started inserting commercials. I had previously thought that coming attractions take up too much time, but this is worse.


    The heating instructions on my frozen quesedilla said that it would take 10 minutes to cook on the stove top. They should have said it takes 10 minutes for the outside to look and feel done, but biting into it will shatter your teeth on frozen peppers.


    About in-laws... I'm earning a pair in few months, and they put my parents to SHAME. They clearly had a plan and stuck to it. Makes my parents look like Roseanne and Dan Connor.


    Until next Thursday..

  8. I hate how every time I go to the store, any store, and I bring my items to the checkout, the cashier is obliged to ask "Do you have a _______ card? It will save you 10%."


    It's as if I should be shamed for purchasing goods from a store of which I'm not a "member."

  9. Since we are complaining, I hate when I talk to a friend from Buffalo (or see it on a message board like this) and someone "food drops" ... like, "Gotta go, we're going to Ted's!" or "Just got back from Duff's!" or any mention of Might Taco, Anderson's, Bocce's, Bob and John's .... the list goes on .... it makes me hungry and jealous that I am so far away. .


    I'm far away, too. The fast food talk plus a Sabres board made me think about Mighty Taco. I don't like my friends and family going to Anderson's without me, either.

  10. I hate it when I'm watching a television show, or movie, and for "dramatic effect" it goes to slow motion. It then takes 4 minutes to get through a 2 minute scene. It's ridiculous. Writers are paid to write, so why not advance the plot a little, or add some humor to break the tension? My adult ADD will not tolerate such tripe.


    Labatt, what happened anyway? Did some hippie spit in your Super Mighty Burrito this afternoon?

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