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Posts posted by Sabrestrike

  1. I had a feeling when emotions are running high you would come in with a very good question.


    I have given this serious thought.  


    I have less of an issue with Reinhart, as last season was somewhat different in my view then this season's blatant tank job.


    That said, I would have a very difficult time cheering a Sabre victory, even a Cup final game 7, if one of the big 2 in this coming draft scored it.


    If that makes me not a "real" Sabre fan, so be it.


    Whoa, whoa.  I'm not saying you are not a real Sabres fan--if you post on this site, you are either a troll (unlikely) or a Sabres fan.  But I do not understand this at all.  If Connor McDavid or Jack Eichel becomes the best player in the NHL while wearing a Sabres jersey, I will not have the slightest issue with it.  I will be ecstatic.  So will 99.9% of Sabres fans.  Having a player like Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux or Sidney Crosby happens very, very rarely--if ever.  I'm not saying McDavid or Eichel is the next Gretzky, but if either becomes that good, I will be in my absolute glory.


    Maybe you are in the .1% of fans who will be unhappy if that happens.  But I'm willing to bet good money that you will be cheering wildly if McEichel buries a Stanley Cup wining goal.  I don't know you at all, but you are human, and apparently a Sabres fan.  You will find a way to let yourself enjoy good things, should they come to pass.


    And I'll add--whether we get McEichel or not, we already tanked.  Would you feel better if we tanked and ended up with Strome or Marner?  Or are you saying that you can never cheer for the Sabres again?  Because the tank already happened, whether it proves successful (McEichel) or not.

  2. Can't see us winning the shart.  Only thing to see now is if we can end up in second.  Atleast then we would still have a 1 in 3 shot at McEichel.....


    I think second is close to locked.  Edmonton is improving and has some winnable games on the horizon.  The season comes down to our Arizona games, which are pick 'ems.  No sense in panicking until those games are played.

  3. This is the CHL thread so I'll lay it out why you're wrong, again.


    Of course the goal this season is to finish DFL/McEichel. So what? The goal for every other season was a Stanley Cup and nobody ever promised us that either. In other words 2006 was a huge disappointment, but it can hardly be characterized as a complete failure or waste of a season.


    A true and complete failure when setting out to tank would be ending up with the tenth pick with a team that had zero chance of going to the playoffs regardless. You know like the movie we've seen all too often already as Sabres fans.


    We may not end up adding a generational talent in the draft this year, which would be disappointing, but we are in position to add another elite talent to the one we acquired last year due to tanking.


    This is an excellent point.  You're never guaranteed anything in sports. The most you can do is put yourself in a position to achieve your goals; the rest is mostly luck.  That's as true for the Shart as for the Stanley Cup.


    So while I was bitterly disappointed that we lost to the Stars in that infamous Game 6, I couldn't realistically ask for anything more than the organization icing a team that got us to that point.  Same with the Shart.  We're in position, now we just need to seal the deal.

  4. Arturs Irbe is our LVP at this point, no?  I sincerely hope he can work his magic again in 5 or 6 years when the Sabres are contending.  For now, I'd like him to cease application of his dark arts and return Anders Lindback to the worthless goalie he was in Dallas.  McEichel depends on it.


    If the Sabres put in the effort that they put in last night (they will), and Lindback plays well (not even as well as he did last night, just well), then I give us very little chance of finishing below Arizona.  Those guys just don't score.  It's basically Smith v. Lindback for the Shart.  (I expect Edmonton to get on a little roll right now.)

  5. @ArizonaCoyotes: GM Don Maloney: "Dave Tippett is a terrific coach... He totally understands where we are and what we're doing (moving forward)."


    That definitely, definitely does not mean "Tippett is actively trying to throw games."  There is just no way. Tippett is doing exactly what Nolan is doing: trying to win every game.  Same as the players.  It's the GMs who constructed crap teams that are really responsible for the tanking. 

  6. Deep down did anyone really ever expect that the race for the shart wouldn't go down to the wire?  If any team has this thing wrapped up before the final 3 or 4 games I'll be shocked.


    I really did think Buffalo would be the clear frontrunner for the shart.  They were historically bad last year, nobody else in the league was even close.  Murray signed a few guys, but realistically, I thought Enroth/Neuvirth would be terrible, we'd struggle to score consistently, and we'd have horrible possession stats, leading to a lot of shots on goal that our goalies couldn't stop.  I thought we'd be maybe 6 or 8 points better than last year and nobody else would be too close.


    In the end, my thoughts weren't too far off, outside of Neuvirth and Enroth--both of whom were decent--and I didn't predict that Edmonton, with all that young talent, would be this bad.  I never gave Arizona a second thought until about 2 weeks ago. 

  7. This morning, I caught myself thinking "huge game tonight, huge game tonight.  Gotta lose."  This season definitely needs to end soon, for my sanity's sake.  I never want another season like this one.  I'll look back on it with some fondness if we land McEichel, but even so, I hope I never find myself cheering against the Sabres ever again.  Also hope we never suck this hard ever again, obviously.

  8. I don't think a team with 47 points in 64 games is "due" for anything. It's like saying a pitcher is due for a hit.


    From a statistics perspective, I guess you're right.  But look a the Sabres' "run" after their historic losing streak--things tend to balance out.  Teams do not go 0-30 in the modern era, it has never happened.  If the Yotes do anything similar to what the Sabres did after their streak, Arizona is basically eliminated from the Shart. 


    It's hockey. Puck luck alone could get Arizona a few wins, which is all the Sabres really need.  The two game lead is significant. 

  9. Arizona is not closing out the year on an 0-30 run. Just stop.


    This.  And if they somehow do go 0-30, we have to tip our cap to Darcy for doing what Murray wanted to do.  It's hard to get mad at somebody for being worse than Buffalo.  Murray built this team to get McEichel, and he has done his part to deliver.  The Sabres are terrible.  If that's not enough, then what can you do?

  10. I really hope so, words can't express the disappointment of not finishing last this year. I was cursing yesterday when I finished hockey and seen we won 6-3.


    I was doubly ticked off when Arizona came back and won (lost).  My wife was so irritated at how much I cared about another team winning (losing) that she up and went to bed.  I'm not proud of this.  The shart is killing me.


    Please don't tell me that we've sucked monkey balls for two years and then don't get the McEichel prize.  It will not be good for my health (or marriage).

  11. From here on out, my passion for losing skyrockets as each game approaches. Silently I have been wanting this but now, I will be wanting losses more than I have wanted playoff wins in the past. Eichel is just THAT good, and if they blow it now, it will be devastating. I will openly say that if there is ANYONE left who wants wins, you just don't get it.


    I have relatives who passionately cheer for the Sabres to win, and I get the mentality--you spend 40 years cheering for the team, you're not going to stop now.  But at this point, it's obvious we're not making the playoffs.  100%, our best chance next year is to finish dead last this year.  Point being: I agree with you.  There is no reason left to cheer for the Sabres this year, if you care at all about how they do next year.  But this isn't the tank thread, so I'll get off my soapbox.

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