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Posts posted by ET1062

  1. Drivers who don't get out of the fast lane!


    Old people buying scratch off tickets when I just want to buy a 12 pack "Let me have an 8, a 12 and a 3, how much is that? oh how bout a 13 oh no wait, ill take a 35 instead. I still have $4? oh dear. Desicsions decisions, how bout a 7 and a 20? Let me get my purse out, oh were is my wallet?"


    People who believe in superstitions.


    Topics on WGR when they ask for callers memories of something. Most of these clowns either make stuff up or combine memories from 5 or 6 different events and try to pass them off as one event. I have to turn the radio off on those days.


    The guy behind me at Sabres games who runs his mouth 24/7. Last game I went to I got to hear for two periods about how he proposed to his fiance. I feel sorry for her!


    Make the world a better place, punch the dimple on Tom Bradys face.

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