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Posts posted by LongTimeSabresFan

  1. Was it a "Tank" or just poor management?

    The Sabres suck and have sucked for one reason.  Very poor management.  How they sucked or why they sucked is irrelevant.  If a team purposefully loses to acquire a "good" player, then it sucked and did so because of poor management.  Unintentional or intentional sucking are neither qualities the ownership should be looking for in a GM! Compare the Sabres to the Bills.  There are absolutely no similarities between the two organizations as the Bills went from a bad team to a good team completely without any tanking or intentional sucking.  They did so because its management was not incompetent and knew what it was doing.  Brandon Beane is lightyears better than any of the loser GMs the Sabres have had.  The Sabres have been the worst team in the NHL at putting talent out on the ice - -THAT is why they have SUCKED!  And that is because of incompetent management.  And I can promise you one thing:  This sucking will absolutely continue indefinitely until the Sabres find competent management.

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