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Posts posted by JackRyanLeafEichel

  1. Again, right on point. While McDavid and Matthews continuously look like tools, I've never seen a viral video of Jack doing anything suspicious


    Right about Colorado too, in giving away RoR. Likely the reason they're so hesitant to trade Duchene as well, because they're waiting for another easy deal to fall in their laps

    Kane is just a distraction on/off ice. Remember when he got called out for windbreakers. And if Okposo was any good as Tavares, he’d still be with the Islanders. You think Pens are letting Malkin walk that easy? Or Toews from Hawks? No way.


    And I don’t mean that they have to be criminals but if you want to be a hockey player in the NHL, you have to be an a—hole too.

  2. I’m not a Toronto fan. You have to understand the NHL and how it works. Teams don’t let superstars walk unless they know that said player is just a product of the system. ROR, Okposo and Kane were given away by their former teams because they aren’t superstar material. People liked Eichel because he’s a good kid, never saw a report saying he was a leader or great goal scorer.

  3. Wow - who would have thought 5 games in the rebooted, rebuilt Sabres would have ONE lousy point, and firmly entrenched at not only the bottom of the Atlantic, but the bottom of the entire LEAGUE???


    It sure is looking like a serious tank year - I thought the idea was to push for a WC berth this year, and serious Cup contention next year, and thereafter?

    I did. Jack Eichel is Michael Peca at best. Have you seen highlights of that Matthews goal against Habs? Incredible.

    I am so sorry for his children.

    Because I don’t want them molested?

  4. Jack ---the fact that the guy said Trump is spineless just shows the extent of his dishonesty.Even an obsessive who needs to incorporate trump bashing into his everyday debate weapons

    normally has some grip on reality.Some grip on the truth.And even those who legitimately/honestly dont likeTrump admit that the orange man has a very strong spine.

    There are some who accuse him of being a white supremist while everyone who ever knew him in NYC all those yrs.;even those who would never support him politically know he doesnt have a racist bone in his body.

    Great post. President Trump denounced the nazis since day one and denounced them again the next day after Charlottesville. It took Obama, Hillary and the liberal media 5 days to denounce Weinstein. 5 days!!! I don’t let my kids around Democrats and liberals anymore, they just look like pedophiles.

  5. By the way mods, I apologize for my behavior and am turning myself in, I didn't mean to, the team makes me feel angry. I'll take the warning points or banning or whatever I have grading to do anyway

    Damn this dude is a teacher? Do you try to brainwash children why it’s okay to have hard working people pay for lazies healthcare? On second thought ... you probably coerce the children into doing Harvey Weinstein things.

  6. I got shat on this summer for saying that Beaulieu won't replace Franson. He's so much worse. None of the defensive decision making, horrendous decisions to shoot, hasn't hit the net once. Who cares if you can skate better if you are the dumbest player on the ice.


    I'm surprised you can string a coherent sentence together that doesn't involve the words "Eichel", "Leaf", and a simpleton explanation for what you mean as if we didn't get your implications the first ten times you said it.


    And I didn't vote for Hillary.


    You bring nothing to this forum and should leave.

    You’re the one still crying over “Orange Man” as President. You have deep seeded issues that need to be hugged out. Tell your mom that dad said to give you a loving hug.

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