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Posts posted by akm

  1. This is a good place to start:



    Post 100 starts Flagg's incredible string of posts comparing Byslma's System (the Byslmatic) to Carolina which plays a puck support scheme. There's are some cool heat-map posts on the second page of that thread showing where Buffalo's shots were happening.


    Wow, this is perhaps the best strategic analysis I've ever seen for the sport of hockey.  Thank you very much for linking this.


    I too was frustrated as to how difficult it always seemed to generate rushes last year, and how every pass from the D seemed to be a bomb to guys standing on the boards looking to chip it in.  I'm definitely no hockey strategy expert, but it just seemed weak to turn our possessions into 50/50 board battles down low.  And, it seemed to bring about the fun side effect of our guys getting crunched into the end boards as they raced in to try to tie up the puck.


    All that said, I have no clue what sort of coach/system we SHOULD run, but I honestly feel like even though we lost a lot this year, we seemed capable of better stretches of good play and it just felt better than the year before.


    I feel a strong parallel to the Bills when the hired Rex - we finally seemed to have a roster with the talent to compete, but we know how that turned out.  How I wish we end up with something that can get us over the hump.

  2. Trying to move on from this religion derail...


    I've read a lot of stuff about Bylsma's "system" and how he forced it and wasn't adapting to his players.


    I'm admittedly much more knowledgeable about football than hockey so I was wondering if someone could explain what Bylsma's system was. I'd also be curious to hear what other systems folks feel are better. It's easier for me to judge NFL hires (runs a west coast offense and a Tampa-2 defense) but I honestly don't know what hockey systems are en vogue.

  3. Let's bear in mind that we're talking about an ankle sprain, and not something like major reconstructive knee surgery or a ruptured achilles.  


    High ankle sprains stink, and it'll be a good chunk of time before he'll return to the lineup, but there is no reason to believe that he won't be fully recovered and scoring goals months before the end of the season.  Let's hope for Christmas time, and grab some wins in the meantime.

  4. I can imagine the back and forth that happens between an agent and teams for traditional FAs, with all of the salary/length/bonus/incentives that goes into complex contracts, but I really wonder what sort of discussions are happening down the stretch.  You'd think it's just conversations between Vesey and his reps, rather than negotiations between agent and teams at this point, right?

  5. NYR makes a lot of sense.  If he's a big city kid, NYC certainly would have a much higher appeal than Buffalo and it's the easiest spot to get to Boston.  Not a ton of talent to beat out for big minutes, and one can make the leap to more minutes = more points = bigger contract 2.  Playing in Madison Square Garden is kind of a cool sales tool as well.


    Obv. not reading too much into rumor at this point, but I think its a better destination than some have given it credit for.

  6. Suggesting that having a child who looks up to professional athletes is a by-product of poor parenting is an incredibly dumb hot take.


    There are many professional athletes across all sports who well and truly epitomize the kinds of values that many parents find admirable:


    Hard work


    Focus under pressure

    Team work

    Strong communication skills


    Etc. etc. etc.


    No person is perfect, and dealing with imperfection and adversity is also an important behavior to model for children. I'd rather have my kids look up to certain athletes than many of the other types of "entertainers" that are in the public eye, that's for sure.

  7. I don't think it's really super nefarious if the kid is talking to his father or even wants to play for the same team that employs his father.  Free agent athletes in all sports have decided to play with siblings, fathers have managed sons in baseball, college coaches recruit their own kids, etc.  Of course he'd take advice from his dad - what kid in their early 20s wouldn't?

    His dad certainly isn't allowed to promise him contracts or tamper with him, but come on, you can't tell him not to speak to his own father because he works for the Leafs.

  8. Kane has no criminal record.  O'Reilly likely soon will.  These are facts.


    No assault or battery charges have been filed against Kane.  I repeat, he has never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one.


    If the police didn't see fit to charge Kane with a crime, then why should we?  Clearly, if he was punching out women on the regular there would have been a criminal charge filed.


    I'm not injecting anything in this conversation, I'm merely making observations as to how two players are perceived.


    I'm honestly not sure why O'Reilly gets a pass and Kane gets a fail.  Could race be an issue?  Perhaps.  Could on-ice production be an issue? Perhaps.  Could O'Reilly be a great guy who made a terrible mistake, but Kane is a garbage person who does garbage things? Perhaps.

  9. Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I can easily make a case that running your vehicle into something while drunk as a skunk is a bigger lapse in judgement with far more serious potential consequences than some pushing and shoving in a bar at 3am, but we'll probably have to agree to disagree.


    It seems like there is the inclination for people to look at Kane's situation as a pattern of moral scumbaggery making him a bad dude, while O'Reilly was just a good person that had a one-time lapse of judgement that just caused a tiny bit of property damage, no harm no foul.


    And, that may 100% be true.  Or, it may indicate some kind of bias.  Certainly worth asking yourself the question, though - at least I'll ask it of myself.

  10. I think folks might be overestimating the value of a "clearer picture of the future" when we're talking about like, one off season month.


    We can debate whether Vesey's exclusive rights until Aug. 15 is an asset of value, but what there is no debate over is whether GMTM thinks Vesey's exclusive rights has value.


    IMO there isn't a universe where he voluntarily abandons an asset of value.

  11. Don't think Vesey should factor in much - if he signs great, maybe he'll be a good piece, but we're talking 0 NHL/AHL minutes on the guy so it'd concern me to put too many eggs in that basket.


    Girgs+Kane is a pretty darn steep price on it's own.  I'm quite enjoying this rare feeling that we have forward depth, and let's not forget that there were only 5 other teams in the entire league that scored less than we did last year.


    Don't get me wrong - we're clearly missing a top 4 d-man before we're hoisting cups, but I think I'd rather let the forward talent blossom and have scoring become an actual strength before gutting it, imo.

  12. Let's pretend for a minute that lightning strikes and he signs with Buffalo.   He comes in says all the right things about working hard to earn his spot, blah blah blah.


    Years pass, Buffalo is a legit contender with him filling a top 6 role, he's a core piece and flourishing into his 3rd-4th season in the league, jersey's are flying off the shelves.     It comes time to re-sign him, he has one year left on his deal before becoming a UFA.    He makes a promise to players, fans, management that he intends to re-sign with the team, but the negotiations drag on well into the spring.     He says it's a just a few minor details to work out and that he'll be back next season in the blue and gold.    July 1st hits, and he signs with BOS, his hometown team.   


    GMTM needs to scramble to fill his spot, the Sabres lose a core piece and have nothing to show for it.  


    I seem to remember another guy from the New England area who pulled this crap on the Sabres not too long ago. 


    LOL - now you're just outright inventing whole muti-year fabrications to justify your hatred of some random guy you know nothing about.


    Now this entitled liar who is demanding top 6 minutes and a guaranteed power play spot is scheming to destroy the future of the Sabres' franchise.


    Wonder what other galaxies we'll explore before August 15!

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