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Posts posted by mmichii

  1. wow its getting cold already back home? my mom mentioned it when we talked yesterday. it hit around 100 yesterday here in socal. Psyched to see how Sabres do this year. Hope they beat the ducks this year sick and tired of hearing it from duck fans. Oh ya turn your heat on. At least if your furnace has issues you have time to fix it b4 you really need it.

  2. Probably is your video card. But are you able to test the card in another system to make sure its at fault?  I understand that your system works ok with onboard gpu but your psu is also under additional strain when you have the card in the system.  If its the kind of card that needs its own power from the psu you might want to be sure that its the card and not the psu.  My system was doing some weird things once in a while.  Having problems accessing drives.  locking up randomly.  Thought it was the motherboard but i replaced my psu with a new evga psu and it instantly stopped doing all of it.

  3. I think the plan is to deliberately be as bad as possible. I think this team could be the worst team more than back to back which wouldn't be a bad thing. I honestly like us to be this bad at least three years. I also think Mr. Pegula is willing to absorb any eventual revenue losses. Really hope we get mcdavid. nice to dream isn't it?

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