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Posts posted by Dannepanne

  1. FWIW, Chris Kreider and Nichushkin are RFA's this season. As for the latter, well it makes paying Goligoski that much harder. Also, Soupy is a UFA

    I like the idea of bringing in Soupy for a year or two if other alternatives don't come to fruition. Draft or trade for a younger LHD prospect and let Soupy play in his place until he is ready.
  2. That's because he hasn't been putting up points recently. He has been asked to play on the checking line with a 22 year old 2nd year center and a 24 year old Russian that played two and a half years and then went to the KHL. I honestly think Staf has been one of the most consistent players and has played the role that the coach has asked him to play. Maurice mentioned the other day how happy he was with his play. Also, I am guessing that if a winger goes down to injury on the first two lines, Staf will fill in.

    Myers, on the other hand, played really well last season and has sucked bag, in my opinion, this year. I mentioned on a local forum that if the Jets re-signed Buff and we traded a RHD, Myers should be the one traded. You would have thought that I said to trade our next ten years of 1st and 2nd round picks for D. Heatley! Maurice has played Myers and Trouba, 2 RHD, at the same time for two games now. I'd send Myers, a 1st rounder, Ladd and Armia to AZ for OEL. If OEL played in TO or NY, he would be a Norris winner by now.

    that trade-value for OEL is far of imo. OEL is a franchise-player, you don't get those kind of players for spare-parts. Another first rounder and then a more enticing prospect than Armia and then there would atleast be a conversation about it, but it probably wouldn't happen still.
  3. yup :P. Mostly for because of the concussion discount risk and how inexperienced he is 

    My reasoning behind believing in Lehner: I've never heard of a goalie that has been as drilled as him to be a great goaltender. He is the son of arguably Swedens best goaltender coach (Henrik Lundqvists gt-coach), he was facing pucks going in 100mph as an 11 year old. I remember reading somewhere that Lehner's Neighbors pressed charges against his father for the things he put Lehner through, and there are some messed up stories told by him around the web to justify them doing so. 


    He has had some injuries these past couple of years but if he gets it together and plays like he did a couple of years ago then damn. LEHNER WILL BE FINE. 


    There are so many players that gets concussed in this league, not all of them become vegetables. 



    I'm going to get so much hate  :angel:

  4. Linus put up huge numbers in the Swedish league two years ago as a 20 year old.  I think it is pretty clear to everyone that he is the most talented goaltender on the roster.  He just needs NHL experience.  And, only one way to get that!


    Modo (the club he played for) has been quite bad these past years. He literally carried that team to the playoffs (8th seed=last seed for the SHL-playoffs). He won the award for the best goaltender in the SHL by his play that year.


    I've been amazed that he always seem to turn his play up a notch for big games, he seems to excel under pressure. I sure have faith in our tvåhövdade målvakts monster,  but maybe I'm baised being a swede and all. 

  5. Nice, I'm liking these lines. Love Reinhart's game the past two and you can't be rewarded more than by playing with ROR and Kane. I love the thought of that line. With Reinhart's vision, Kane's shot and ROR possession it looks good on paper.

    It sure do! Reinhart has really stepped forward these last couple of games. Nice to see Kane and Eichel separated also, Bylsma sure beat that horse to the death compared to the other line pairings he was testing.
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