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Posts posted by nbash

  1. I am officially unemployed and even though I keep sending out resumes it could take up to 6 months to get a job unless this thing at UB pans out. O and I found out the day I got back from my vacation that the place I had my phone interview with will not be interviewing me... FML. I have a bachelors and a masters and can't get a job guess its time to go for either another masters or a Phd maybe if I had a few of those I could get a freaking job... :censored: :wallbash: :death:


    I work my ass off but I can't afford a vacation, so what are you doing taking one?

  2. Got a little misty seeing BillsRCursed's pic of Barnaby, Ray and May. Man, that's when we had grit, and Ted Nolan knew how to turn them loose. Oh well, that's a long gone era, but on a related note I can't believe the way Kassian is putting on a power forward clinic. He created tons of scoring chances last night.


    I know Boyes is the popular choice to supplant Stafford's hibernation school of hockey, but Kassian is the player that I feel calls Staff out with his play night after night since his call up.

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