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Posts posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Honestly this is a great first step in the bringing us all together again process.


    Hiring a solid HC will be #2.


    Drafting Eichel will be step #3


    This season is going to be a LOT of fun! No more constant fights between the pro and anti tank crowds.


    Can you imagine an eventual playoff series between Toronto and Buffalo in the next few seasons? Incredible!

  2. Do you think his potential failing in Toronto (if that happens) would take away from his reputation? for example, would he be replaced as Team Canada's national team coach? I think not.


    Maybe not but right now he's the man. After a few years of medicore teams and the fans getting restless, things can change. Babcock wasn't always the man and there are always up and coming coaches ready to take your place. It happens all the time in sports, especially since he has 1 cup. He isn't someone like Phil Jackson or Bill Belichick with a handful of league titles to fall back on.


    Look at Mike Shanahan, who has two Super Bowl rings. He WAS a legendary NFL coach just 5 years ago, and the Bills were offering him the moon and stars, maybe even a % of the team to take the HC gig. Other NFL teams were falling over themselves offering him anything he wanted. Money, power, control.


    He chose Washington because he wanted to "solidify his place in the Hall of Fame." It was the best chance to win big in a big market. Plus, he even mentioned that his family wouldn't want to come to Buffalo. Washington gave him ENORMOUS money and all the power he wanted. In short, he was a big f-ing deal in America's biggest sport.


    Fast forward 5 years to today. He is out of work, and no NFL team seriously considered taking him on. The Bills brought him in after Marrone quit, heard him out, and said "thanks for your time but no thanks." He had a few other interviews but nobody really was that interested in him. In short, he's pretty much finished.


    Keep in mind that Shanahan actually made the playoffs with Washington during his time there. But he didn't seal the deal, or even get that close. That's all anyone remembers now.


    The stench of failure on a big stage is a LOT to overcome.


    I hope Babcock fails as spectacularly in the NHL as Shanahan did in the NFL and ends up 5 years from now getting passed over by the Florida Panthers and Arizona Coyotes for HC gigs.


    He will still have his tens of millions to count and can probably live on his past glories and coach Team Canada every 4 years.

  3. Aren't NHL coaching contracts guaranteed? i.e. Ted Nolan is getting paid his 3 year deal. 


    If so, I don't think that Babcock would give a ######


    I think he would care quite a great deal. Sure he gets paid, but he would suddenly go from superstar hotshot to yet another big name coach who failed in Toronto.


    It isn't like the Laughs haven't tried this route before (big name HC)

  4. One thing is for sure: Pegula is a feisty one who is not used to coming in 2nd and doesn't seem to handle it well.


    That's good news overall for us! I think he nailed it with the Bills HC hire after Gruden and Cowher turned him down. It will all work out well in the end.


    Plus, we get to CRUSH Babcock's team time after time every season, AND they can watch us play in the playoffs!

  5. I totally agree with the bitterness toward Babcock. I get it, and he is now a villain here and will hopefully spice up this Leafs/Sabres rivalry a bit.


    But all these attacks by Buffalo media makes us look small-time and kind of sad.


    I look forward to three things:


    1) The day when the Sabres are the villians for winning all the time so fans around the league hate/envy us.


    2) EVERYONE actually cheering for WINS this season! It's going to be so much fun to all be on the same team again!


    3) The look on Babcock's face when Toronto fires him/runs him out of town by the end of year #3.

  6. It's about much more than that...it's about credibility, it's about getting good players to come to Buffalo.


    They lost all of that, over $1-$2 million dollars.

    They did not lose all of that.


    Babcock just played them and went behind their backs to get more $$ from Toronto.


    This roster is still stacked with young prospects and will draft Eichel. Pegula will spend big time $$.


    SOMEONE is going to come here and win.

  7. How important is a hockey coach, honestly?


    I am more of a football fan than a hockey fan, so forgive me if that's blasphemy or something.


    In football, coaches are extremely important, calling plays on offense, defense, and special teams, challenging plays, making hundreds of decisions each week. On the other hand, I always feel like in hockey it's more player-driven with the coach adding a lot less than an NFL coach adds.


    Am I wrong on that?

  8. If the insane amount of money Pegula wanted to offer wasn't good enough then fine.


    You want a guy who wants to be here. Remember Pegula went after Gruden and Cowher first, then got Rex. IMO Rex is a better hire than either of them.


    Sometimes the best thing for you is when you DON'T get what you think you want.

  9. There will be squeals of joy tonight.


    Will they be from the fans, or the Sabres locker room?


    The thing that makes me the angriest of all this is that our coach and the players are extra motivated to hurt the fans, city, and organization by making sure they don't get 30th.


    I get not "trying" to lose outright. But to be EXTRA motivated to hurt the fans? Only in Buffalo sports does this stuff happen. Arizona and Toronto gave up trying weeks ago.

  10. The sad part is that these Sabres players want more than anything to stick a dagger right into the heart of the fans who cheered for the other team in their building.


    It's driving these guys. So don't expect any lackluster effort.


    They WANT to derail "the tank" to get payback against the people who they think were out to embarrass them.


    Those who cheered Arizona scoring in OT hurt the players, and so the players BADLY want to hurt the fans back. Most of them know they were brought in here because the organization thought they would lose and that they are about to be out of work, so it's really a final parting shot for them.


    Nothing feels better than getting over on an organization that you feel wronged you. Few have the chance that these guys do and they are 100% into this.

  11. You just know it's coming. This is Buffalo sports.


    It's an art form with these teams. Fans hopes need to be high in order to be crushed, AND it needs to look likely first.


    Then you go in for the dagger to the heart.


    The Sabres just took it a step further by letting everyone do the "here we go Buffalo" thing, then lose to make it look like a lock, only to finally blow it.


    It might be the most brutal "Buffalo" moment yet.

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