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Posts posted by SabresGameNight

  1. Walker in a well - excellent.


    Sending a guy into a well to tie a rope around a walker in a well - simply ridiculous.


    Searching for a little girl lost in the woods during a zombie apocalypse for 4 (I think?) episodes - Zzzzzzzz.


    Pregnancy test positive cliff hanger - Zzzzzzzzz.


    The walker in the well was a nice touch. They had the rope idea right but someone forgot to bring the 2x4 to leverage the body out! The guts spilling into the well was pretty nasty. Don't drink that bad ju-ju.


    The missing girl is a tired plot line now. You could run that 1.. maybe 2 episodes. At this point she better be dead.


    The pregnancy is very unexpected but an interesting twist. You guys know that baby daddy is Shane and not her husband Rick. They can spend a few episodes on that secret.

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