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Status Updates posted by RazielSabre

  1. Maybe I should lay off for a bit on the city of Steelport, since I've caused 1528297.0 dollars of mayhem in Saints Row: The Third.

  2. Making more money than I can spend, since I've already cashed out 4439064.5 dollars in Saints Row: The Third.

  3. Rim Jobs is my favorite place to go in Saints Row: The Third. Spending 230660.0 dollars on car customization comes easy.

  4. Hyperkinetic Rabbity thing

  5. Who needs a crowbar when I can jump through the windshield? I've stolen 300 cars within Saints Row: The Third so far.

  6. Maybe I should lay off for a bit on the city of Steelport, since I've caused 1589752.0 dollars of mayhem in Saints Row: The Third.

  7. Not long to go now.

  8. It's not very safe for civilians in Saints Row: The Third. I've killed 2022 of them so far, some by choice, some by accident.


    http://razielmoshman.blogspot.com/ - couple more rants on my dodgy blog (more like public anger management than a blog).

  10. Traveling around Steelport trying to find cars to jack takes some time, but I've grabbed 20 in Saints Row: The Third.

  11. 'Wow an upside down exclamation mark!' Exactly... Ahem. Nice one Laura Moore

  12. What the ######? What the ###### ######? What the ###### ###### ###### me. Ah Great episode.

  13. I've played 50:11:19 Saints Row: The Third. Who wants to dive in with me?

  14. Maybe I should stop driving on the sidewalk, since I've already driven over 2009 pedestrians in Saints Row: The Third.

  15. I do recommend trying the band Raised Fist to anyone who is a fan of Rage Against The Machine.

  16. Rim Jobs is my favorite place to go in Saints Row: The Third. Spending 285520.0 dollars on car customization comes easy.

  17. Success is measured in blood, yours or your enemies. Freekin Ownage.

  18. Chicksand. Not a word.

  19. Traveling around Steelport trying to find cars to jack takes some time, but I've grabbed 25 in Saints Row: The Third.

  20. Who needs a crowbar when I can jump through the windshield? I've stolen 400 cars within Saints Row: The Third so far.

  21. Bill O'Reilly is an ######

  22. Not sure I see the big deal with the new facebook, seems to work better and looks almost the same.

  23. Dear brain, it is not April!

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