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Posts posted by Armydoogie

  1. My tours were in '04, '05, and '07, when all these educated Iraqi were indeed trying to blow the hell out of us. Unfortunately it did take 3,000 of our comrades paying the ultimate price to get where we are now. Whether you agreed with the invasion or not, we are now giving the Iraqis a chance to restart their country instead of living under a dictator who brutalized and abused his people. Return home safe, my friend.


    Sorry, Rob, I'm not as jaded as you. It wasn't the same educated Iraqi people we are here trying to protect. It was the same enemy who is currently lying relatively low - violent extremists, like Al Qaeda in Iraq and extremist Shia terrorist groups. I agree the tactic of choice is, was, and will be improvised explosive devices, but it wasn't the former scientist, lawyer or teacher who was doing that. There's a good chance most of your enemies in '04 and '05 weren't even Iraqi.

  2. I guess the SOTU Address last night has me in a mood, so...


    I hate when people think I'm in Iraq fighting Iraqis, when that is the furthest thing from the truth. The "War in Iraq" (in its current state) is the most competent fighting/defense force in the world protecting the Iraqi people from de-stabilizing influences, while the Iraqi people decide how they are going to govern themselves. For all the US deaths in Iraq, there are multitudes more deaths of Iraqi citizens who have the guts to stand up for themselves and their neighbors against violent extremist groups who continue to thrive in lawlessness. It bothers me that we are abandoning these people during their most desperate time of need. But, at least we're "ending the war in Iraq."


    Meanwhile, the term "Global War on Terrorism" is not an American idea. It is the mentality of our determined enemy, who will fight us on their terms, anywhere in the world. I am looking forward to leaving this flat country where our American military forces have a clear technical and military superiority over our enemies to go to the mountainous, cavernous, hostile battlefield of Afghanistan, where we will not be able to demonstrate our air power or make effective use of things like night-vision equipment, so American Soldiers' lives will be in even more peril. I also cannot wait to leave these friendly, supportive, educated Iraqi people who lived under a ruthless dictator whose ideals were inimical to the best interests of both his own people and our country's security. What a joy it will be to operate among the uneducated population of Afghanistan, who actually believed in the precepts of the treacherous Taliban party, because none of them were taught any differently.


    All I can say to everyone who supports the fight in Afghanistan, but wants us to leave Iraq is...


    see your local Armed Forces recruiting office... "We need more meat for the grinder."

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