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A chance?  Yeah.  An outside chance. 

The polls are saying he's about 5-9 percentage points behind Cruz.  The thing that makes me think he can still win is that the polling methodologies weight the answers by the likelihood they think the voter will actually cast a ballot.  So they'll say things like, "Among likely voters, Cruz has a 5-point lead."  But Beto's traveled around the state, visiting all the counties several times over, reaching out to people and trying to get them out to vote.  He's been to towns that haven't seen a statewide politician in a generation.  So, if the pollsters' methods for for "likely voters" miss because many more people come out to vote, he could do it.

And so far early voting is running several times higher than normal.  One voting station reported that they usually go through about 75 "I Voted" stickers a day during early voting, and they went through a roll of 1000 stickers in the first day.  If there is a blue wave, it will be a wave a new voters.

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